So the map on the leaf of the booklet Good News for People of All Nations is supposed to be used to identify the householder's native country.
Hope JWs are studied up on geography since country names are not listed!
Scan of front map:
by blondie 26 Replies latest watchtower bible
So the map on the leaf of the booklet Good News for People of All Nations is supposed to be used to identify the householder's native country.
Hope JWs are studied up on geography since country names are not listed!
Scan of front map:
Regardless of how people respond, they know what we are doing, and thus we share in fulfilling Jesus' prophecy
I used to believe that, until I really examined it in light of what I know about people and how they actually view the "work" JWs do. Rest assured that you could poll 1,000 people off the street tomorrow and ask them what it is JWs are doing when they go door to door and NO ONE would have the slightest clue.
Well over 100 years since this "life-saving work in the time of the end" began its sorry journey, the results are that virtually none of the billions of humans on the planet know what the dubs stand for, what their doctrines are, or where they fit in the pantheon of the world's vast system of religion.
This is just another example of the WTS trying to make something true by simply repeating it over and over again. How many dubs do you know who, after a fruitless morning in the d2d work, would say, "Well, at least Jehovah is aware of what we're doing." See - even the rank and file know the PEOPLE are clueless... and they don't care. It's not about the people. It's about being seen.
And once again the WT repeats the lie we can count on each week:
"published by Jehovah's Witnesses"
NOTHING is published by Jehovah's Witnesses. All publications, to my knowledge, are published by WTBTS of NY, and copyright by WTBTS of Pennsylvania.
This handy little lie has appeared in print since 2002 or thereabouts, in an effort to confuse who really is responsible for the revolting doctrines that lead to criminal child sex abuse policy, children and mothers dying for lack of blood transfusion, and the harmful shunning of sinful ones, including the medically depressed.
It is NOT Jehovah's Witnesses who publish this junk; it is THE WTBTS.
Excellent review blondie; I have come to think of the review as Blondie, the cowgirl, roping up those lies, tying them up and bringing them to ground.
Thanks Blondie for a GREAT review!
Blondie...excellent review and keen observations also...if Jehovah cares at all about JW's, he must really cringe at their methods and general efforts in the "field ministry"...I've seen exactly what you indicate...overall half hearted effort...little real preparation..."put in the time attitude"...I wasn't much different in my I think JW's are even more apathetic and careless...thanks again
Thanks Blondie!
You always remind me how depressing it was to be a JW and have to waste Sunday listening to such drivvel!
I love how you point out the mind control tactics and it always makes me smile to think how I used to sit, half asleep from deep boredom during the Study for so many years!
Who do the WTBTS think they are? God's mouthpiece on Earth?! Surely not after spouting such rubbish!
So right, confusedjw.
What did happen to Jesus? Other than the obvious of being replaced by the ORG.
It is so plain, but I didn’t notice it until the last 10 years or so I attended meetings. I so loved the Greatest Man book and many other JWs did that I knew. Why, because of the famine/dearth of articles that developed our relationship with Jesus.
I have been reading Charles Taze Russell’s writings and am now starting on a 1920 WT bound volume. Rutherford (or any ghost writers) are introducing "Jehovah" more into the publications. But there is still that strong connection with Christ, who all those still connected with the WTS long to go to heaven to rule with, whose character they are to imitate closely in their own character development. For every mention of God there are 3 mentions of Christ. It could be that the movement away from mentioning Jesus intensified as 1935 approached and the great crowd would be made a secondary earthly class without Christ as their mediator.
Hey Ozziepost, how ya feeling?
Are JWs the only ones preaching? Indeed! Also we could ask, in quanitity, who has done the most preaching? Is it really the JWs? I think not!I was so shocked when I first found out about the Mormon preaching program, and that my Baptist friends actually went door to door, and that the Lutheran girl went door to door inviting people to a Bible study program at church. I have been called on by 2 Mormon duos and 3 Lutheran deacons in the area inviting me to their churches. Not a JW in sight. How many JWs know that when JWs went into Africa, that they preached only to the already Christian white folk; they couldn’t talk to the dark people. By the time the JWs did, the white Christian missionaries had already paved the way teaching people about God, Christ, the Bible and the Kingdom. Has anyone every tried to talk to a Hindu, Buddhist, animist, or anyone without any basic knowledge of the Christianity? It is slow going and most JWs have no idea where to start.
Thanks, Lot,
One point right off the bat that struck me was in paragraph 1,"Our message, the good news of God's Kingdom, does not change". How much has it changed since 1879 or 1919 or 1995 for that matter? How many Witnesses think about that I wonder?
Excellent point, and as I have said I have been reading Russell’s and Rutherford’s writings about the good news of the Kingdom and it has changed mightily. Just the fact that they said Jesus presence started in 1874 and changed that to 1914, said that Jesus began ruling as king in 1878 and changed that to 1914, and said that the general upward call ended in 1881 and changed that to 1935, etc., etc.
Your welcome, CV. Don’t be shy, share anything that comes to mind about your personal study and any what the WTS proposes.
Thanks, Honesty, especially for this scripture and tying it into the "Where is Jesus" theme.
Jesus forewarned his followers: "You will be objects of hatred by all the nations on account of my name." (Matthew 24:9)
JWs do not come to the door with the name of Jesus on their lips. Of course, they dance around saying they are JWs too, like it is a secret who they are.
In the suggested introductions in the Reasoning book only one uses "Jesus" and not a sign of "Christ" and only "kingdom" once, the same one that uses "Jesus."
Thanks CeriseRose, glad you are here,
On another note, I haven't read any JW crap in so long, my skin is crawling at reading their garbage and for how long I bought into it. *shudder*
I take it in small doses and objectively, like a historian or a reviewer. The longer I am inactive the better it gets.
LOL...Create instant friends using remedial geography! I'm going to have to try that when I meet new people. :-)
I will have to say this, I tutor people in English from several countries. They are also happy to discuss their homeland and its highlights. But then I don’t have a hidden agenda to get them into a cult.
Many people in the US are a little weak in their geography which ties into the next comment
Hey Zeke,
Good point!. The yearbooks used to carefully label all the countries. Why not here? I bet the average JW couldn’t tell you if Belize in an island or on a continent.
, how are things out your way?Rest assured that you could poll 1,000 people off the street tomorrow and ask them what it is JWs are doing when they go door to door and NO ONE would have the slightest clue.
I have said that a few times in my review. I’d like to take a survey one day
This is just another example of the WTS trying to make something true by simply repeating it over and over again. How many dubs do you know who, after a fruitless morning in the d2d work, would say, "Well, at least Jehovah is aware of what we're doing." See - even the rank and file know the PEOPLE are clueless... and they don't care. It's not about the people. It's about being seen.
Great comment!
And once again the WT repeats the lie we can count on each week: "published by Jehovah's Witnesses"
NOTHING is published by Jehovah's Witnesses. All publications, to my knowledge, are published by WTBTS of NY, and copyright by WTBTS of Pennsylvania.
In fact the WTS used to pride itself in separating the WTS from the FDS and the GB and the rank and file.
Blondie, the cowgirl, roping up those lies, tying them up and bringing them to ground.
Thanks, Sally Sue. I hope you have a good weekend.
Blondie...excellent review and keen observations also...if Jehovah cares at all about JW's, he must really cringe at their methods and general efforts in the "field ministry"...I've seen exactly what you indicate...overall half hearted effort...little real preparation..."put in the time attitude"...I wasn't much different in my I think JW's are even more apathetic and careless...thanks again
Thank you, I have lived it for over 45 years, in many congregations and countries, and not much changes.
The thing is that the WTS ties the individual JW’s eternal future into "preaching" without any results being required. "Even if no one listens….my eternal future is guaranteed."
Love, BlondieGood comments, everyone
Thanks, Gill. That's how this review started, it was my way to combat the boredom and the boredom of others at the KH. The one comment I got when I missed meetings, "we miss your comments." I'm sure they did, I made sure that mine were online with current WT dogma, but emphasized the points the elders would like to forget.
I did not hear any live comments on this one, we did not make it this week. Seems like a goood one to miss !
But it is nice to learn that the Yaps of Yapland can now Yap the "Good News?" in Yapese... Seriously, the commitment to so many languages is commendable . I guess it demonstrates that they recognize that the native population of Western Europe has mainly played out as far as increase goes.
In a recent year, nearly 40 percent of all those baptized at the district conventions in one Western European country had come from another land.
I can believe that. {do they centrally record the background of the baptized ones?) I know of the big push to teach foreign languages in the congo's . Of course in the UK there are both established immigrant communities of second and third generation and the recent new immigrants, [some legal some not] and asylum seekers. No matter who they are, what their status, the diligent dub sees only one thing, a prospective Bible Study
I should think that being new in this land would make any person willing to talk and go along with it, whether they were really interested or not.
Nice work, Blondie. I'm not always a fan of these types of posts but this one was pretty much spot-on.