the walking dead

by kj 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • kj

    I know that JWs view DF'd ones as the walking dead, but how do they view non-JWs? I thought that they considered them walking dead, too, but my mom says no. Can anyone clear that up for me? Are there any WT articles that talk about it? Thanks!

    kj (who'd rather be dead than JW)

  • sonnyboy

    I guess they consider non-JWs as 'not yet brain dead'.

  • kj

    LOL Sonnyboy, welcome to the forum.

    Anyone else know? There's quite a few things my mom doesn't even know about her own religion. I just wanted to know if I'm mistaken on this one.

  • Honesty

    I think you are right because the JW's....

    Never organise, contribute to or get involved with anything that will benefit their nieghbors around the world

    Are more interested in the spiritual condition of people than whether they have enough food for the day or warm shelter and clothing.

    Get all starry-eyed when they are out in service and see a beautiful home and property as they discuss which one of them is going to live there when the owners are offed by the WT God at Armageddon.

  • blondie

    At a circuit assembly two years ago, the CO said if a JW married a non-JW they were marrying a corpse, kissing a corpse. Someone in a different circuit said they heard the same point from a different CO, meaning the statement was from headquarters in New York.


    w89 9/1 p. 19 Remaining Organized for Survival Into the Millennium
    Only Jehovah’s Witnesses, those of the anointed remnant and the "great crowd," as a united organization under the protection of the Supreme Organizer, have any Scriptural hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system dominated by Satan the Devil. (Revelation 7:9-17; 2 Corinthians 4:4) They will make up the "flesh" that Jesus Christ said would be saved through the worst tribulation of all human history.
  • kj

    Good point, Honesty.

    And thanks Blondie, I knew you'd have a WT quote for me


  • Sunspot
    I thought that they considered them walking dead, too, but my mom says no.

    Thoughts like these are in the hearts of the JWs, but they will not admit to having them. It's difficult to pin one down and have any intelligent discussion on the "who's gonna die" topic.

    The WTS can't teach that the nonJWs are walking dead, because JWs can't "speak to dead people", and they are still commissioned to preach to any who have not "yet" accepted the WTS as their religion.

    That's why they go back again and again to homes that they have been told "no way"------just in case they have had a change of heart. So I would say your mother is right on this one, from the JW point of view.


  • kj

    What you say makes sense, Annie. So it might just depend on the individual JW, if they really feel that way. My mom looked truly offended when I said that JWs considered me (as a non-JW) as just another walking dead.

    In any case, they will never take me alive!

  • anewme

    The WTBS likens their organization to the life saving ark of Noah's day. Everyone who gets into the ark and stays will survive Armaggeddon and all those outside will perish.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Members of the "no independent thinking" borganisation of lies think that other people are the walking dead ???

    get outta town


    I am who I am

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