Bush - Idiot Hypocrite

by Simon 49 Replies latest social current

  • JT

    The one thing wrong in the above statement is the use of the word EVERYONE. Many would have been better. One only needs to look at the immigration statistics for the world - and guess who has the most immigration - with long lines of people wanting to get into their countries and also illegal immigrants - The USA , Great Britain and Australia and also Canada - mmm - methinks there is a a pattern here somehwere


    bingo, folks can BI#%$ch and Moan all they want to but when you look at the facts the path leads to a nation in the west-

    practically not one poster on this bd would pack up today and move to some 3rd world country or muslim country

    and actually think they could say the exact same comments about the leaders there and expect to live more than 24 hours- smile

  • BrendaCloutier

    Just because I'm not willing to move to a 3rd world country, unless Mexico counts as 3rd world, and they've managed to bring themselves into the first world in the last 30 years, doesnt mean I like Bush Jr, nor the way the current government is managed.

    I have the right as an American Citizen to speak out against the President and our government at every level, and I underscore that right with my responsibility as an American Citizen of voting my beliefs.

  • EvilForce

    Brenda...why is it that it always comes down to "Love it or leave it" with conservatives??? Hmmm....maybe we should have said that to them when Monica was going down. Um...LOL....no pun intended. I really didn't mean for it to come out like that.

    I suggest instead of saying "Love it or Leave it" the US should think about other countries as "Love Them, Learn From Them".

    But then again I'm not sure if Bush could find Radical Soviet Canuckistan on a globe.

  • BrendaCloutier

    It's that black and white thinking that will "getcha" everytime. Sad when there are so many beautiful colours in the world.

    What has scared me the most about Bush's politics is his "your either with us, or against us" statements and attitudes, reinforced by the religious moral right wing comprised (in my opinion and experience) of the trailor park poor mentality or the ultra wealthy, and sadly by the religious orientations of the black and hispanic communities. For me this is nothing more than what we have all been through as Jehovah's Witnesses: Our way exclusively or you are shunned and disfellowshipped.

  • EvilForce

    U/D....yes apparently your script part is the court jester.

    You pop in on all of the political threads saying how silly we all are being and it's all for naught. Yet somehow you feel the need to both read and post on all of them. Telling us a quick quip or joke and how we are all wasting our time. Odd.

  • Fangorn

    I find some of the comments here frankly mind boggling. Israel has had nuclear weapons for forty years, and not used them in spite of enormous provocation and in the face of millions who have made no bones about their ultimate goal of exterminating every last Israeli. The US has had nuclear weapons for sixty years and has had many occasions when they might have used them and chose not to do so, even when they were the only country with nuclear capability. Yes, they did use them on Japan, to end the war. They used them on a nation that was as imperialistic as the Nazis, a nation which had slaughtered 30 million Filipinos, Malays, Indonesians, Vietnames, Cambodians and Burmese as well as twenty three million Chinese. They used them to end a war that would have resulted in the deaths of even more people had Japan been invaded. Japan still fails to acknowledge its activities during WWII and remains probably the most racist nation on the planet. The war effort was supported almost without exception by the Japanese people. Spare me the tears for these people. On the other hand, the US is supposed to watch the Mad Mullahs become nuclear without lifting a hand. These are people that cleared mine fields with children, these are people that believe it is a heaven blessed virtue to convert or kill the Infidel, these are people that seek martyrdom as the highet expression of faith. In the face of that the US is supposed to avow the use of force? How stupid is that? Do you people really believe there's a moral equivalency? You seem to go further than that and say there is a moral superiority. I find it difficult to accept what appears to me to be nothing more than blind bigotry against Bush, and I guess the US in general. I haven't posted much here, don't come here much for that matter but some of these comments are shocking to me, and bordering on irrational. I didn't realize there was such venemous attitude toward the US or Bush. Is this place some kind of an ex JW moveon.org or what? I'm not sure that everything I've posted here is strictly in line with the posting guidelines but then much of this thread doesn't seem to be in line with the posting guidelines.

  • JT

    i think you missed my point, i never voted for bush nor would , but i do reconize that at the end of the day living in a western country where as has been pointed out one has the right to speakout is the greatest thing since slice bread when it comes to forms of gov-

    short of the wt phoney gov by god, as far as i can see the western style democratic format where the common man can call his leader a Bonehead and keep living

    i don't beleive in a take it or leave it mindset as some have suggested, i merely think that reconizing what one has as compared to other folks does help one to see they have something better, can it be improved, of course it can as long as some dude or gal who puts on their pants one leg at a time, there will always be room for improvement, as far as being a conservation, plz i don;t even believe in god, so please no right wing religious bible thumper here my friend

    just one who realizes how good i have it compared to others thats all-

    do we need improvement absolutely, but never forgetting the progress i do have

    personally i think that Bush and the boys have made many off the wall and goofy decisions and yes they should be call on the carpet,

    but the question that was asked was in relationship to nations having Nuclear weapons-

    and for anyone not to see any "Difference"-- between a western democratic style gov having nuclear weapons and a wild dictator having one then god save you- smile

    i can't imagine if the good ole boys in Iraq had missles that could reach downtown london and NYC in 17min, would they really care what their own folks thought-

    while most western democratic countries have plenty of issues they need and must deal with, but at the end of the day- i still got a better deal in my view

  • JT

    On the other hand, the US is supposed to watch the Mad Mullahs become nuclear without lifting a hand. These are people that cleared mine fields with children, these are people that believe it is a heaven blessed virtue to convert or kill the Infidel, these are people that seek martyrdom as the highet expression of faith. In the face of that the US is supposed to avow the use of force? How stupid is that? Do you people really believe there's a moral equivalency? You seem to go further than that and say there is a moral superiority. I find it difficult to accept what appears to me to be nothing more than blind bigotry against Bush, and I guess the US in general.



    personally i don't like bush politics, but i do understand despite the shortcoming and foolish stuff the us/west does--------- when you add up the chips, i can not think of any other nations i would want to see nuclear weapons in the hands of-

    the stats the poster pointed out above of 40-60yrs of never using what could have been used easily with the push of a button, yet never has been-

    for some reason i don';t see some dude taking over Iraq saying-

    "We will not use them" ----esp when their entire life is hell bent on killing YOU and I

  • upside/down

    Last I knew I was free to have an opinion...

    U/D....yes apparently your script part is the court jester.

    pop in on all of the political threads saying how silly we all are being and it's all for naught. Yet somehow you feel the need to both read and post on all of them. Telling us a quick quip or joke and how we are all wasting our time. Odd.

    Arguing politics...on JWD is a lesson in futility. I find it "mildly" amusing and since this is just a "forum" and NOTHING here really matters, I do "jest"..at times...SO. The hypocrisy of the JWD forum in the arena of politics is appalling. I have found that by not endorsing the "popular" opinions of this forum that I'm (and others) immediately labeled a "conservative" or "republican"...whatever. Never forget...you're a LITTLE fish in a Big pond....but on JWD it's the opposite. Just like when you were Dubs. Hard as that is for some to swallow. "pop in" denotes I'm not welcome...is that so? Have you found a place where being "PC" is so overwhelmingly accepted and admired (JWD) that you (the X-JW..homosexual...liberal..) are in the majority and now become the "persecutor"? And please don't even attempt to "label" me... you'd be way off. I have no beef with you...I just make my whimsical little "quips" and no harm is done...and that's ME...can you not accept ME? Or do I need to be more like YOU? And so unless I have a "meaningful" say and agree with "you"...I shouldn't evern READ these threads...? Shades of Crooklyn Batman... I was in one cult... JWD will not become another one to me. I view it for what it is....A FORUM!(not the center of the universe) So, as I stated earlier... let's move on to the common enemy G.W. The Dubs... it's so much more fun. u/d (of the type cast jester class)

  • the_classicist

    It is more about the free exchange of rhetoric, rather than ideas, in these types of threads, though. I can more than see where u/d is coming from.

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