Who Are You Rooting For This Season And Why?

by Englishman 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman


    First matches in The Premiership start to day!

    I'm rooting for Portsmouth of course. They were the first team that I ever saw play back in 1969 and I've stuck with them ever since. I'd been in lots of stadia before, of course, for assemblies and all that horse-shit. However, my first football match opened my eyes to a real atmosphere and, quite honestly, I'm totally hooked. When I met Her Ladyship and asked her out for a date, she asked me to take her to see Portsmouth playing Nottingham Forest the following Saturday. Wow, I thought, what a girl!

    So tell us, who are you supporting this season?

    Even better tell us why!


  • ozziepost

    You know!

    My game's just starting.

  • stillajwexelder

    Liverpool, Liverpool, Liverpool - can not stand Man Utd or arsey ARSENAL

  • ozziepost

    Talking to a guy at the bbq after church last Sunday and he brought home to me what real support is all about.

    He supports Luton through thick and thn - and it's been mostly thin for some years now, but as he pointed out, their ground capacity is just over 6,0000. With such a small number of bums on seats, Luton don't have much chance of generating a decent cash flow that would allow them to build a stronger team. Not only that but the town council apparently haven't seen their way clear to help in ground improvements or modernisation.

    Yet my friend will support them - why? He was born there and this says much about real support. Many supporters stick with their clubs because they were born in the area - it's their local club. Not for them the appeal of the 'top players' or the colors of the kit or anything else that's transitory. No, they support because the club is 'them'.

    Reminds me of the Bible text that says that a true friend is "loving all the time".

  • HadEnuf

    Die hard Packer fan here. Watched football with my dad back in the Vince Lombardi days (though I was too young to understand anything going on...but watching my dad get all rattled was quite a hoot). Had to keep the tradition going with my two sons. But I try not to be the obnoxious Packer fan that disses every other team...though my hatred for the Vikings runs fast and deep...I try to keep it under control. So far there has been no bloodshed.

    cathy l. Proud to be a Cheesehead

  • Honesty
    Die hard Packer fan here. Watched football with my dad back in the Vince Lombardi days cathy l. Proud to be a Cheesehead

    I think they mean that game played on a grass field with nets on each end and 2 teams who kick a little round black/white ball towards the opposite end of the field. When they kick the little ball into the opposing team's net they score a point. The game itself is not very physical like American football. However, the fans themselves have been known to get a bit out of hand if their team gets a bad call from the judges. If you participate as a spectator full body armor and a big stick is a must have in the stands.

  • jaffacake

    Why Newcastle, of course. Why? People born where I come from are indoctrinated into that religion! Anyway, they need all the support they can get, never having won anything and I've always had a weakness for the underdog.

  • Stephanus
    He supports Luton through thick and thn

    You think that's Loyal, Ozzie? I support the Newtown Jets!

  • delilah

    My husband's uncle watches Manchester U, so, we do as well.....

    Delilah......BUT, we are die hard American football fans here....GREEN BAY rocks....and hey, Hadenuf, we beat the Chargers Thursday...hee hee hee....my hubby was NOT IMPRESSED...

  • Ring Wielder
    Ring Wielder

    Im a season ticket holder at Hull City...the Tigers....2 promotions back to back have put us in the Championship for the first time in 19 long years. I think we will struggle, but stay up.

    We have an impressive stadium and a great chairman (Adam Pearson) and manager, Peter Taylor. So the future is Black and Amber!


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