Well as long as we are bashing Europe....alot of the messes in the middle east, Israel, Pakistan, India, and others are the incompentcy of the English Empire. We are still mopping up the mess.
Europe - Do Their Leaders Have the Guts?
by roybatty 56 Replies latest social current
Let's talk about France and IndoChina ... or the Middle East,,,
Well as long as we are bashing Europe....alot of the messes in the middle east, Israel, Pakistan, India, and others are the incompentcy of the English Empire. We are still mopping up the mess.
India's doing pretty good for itself: they're the next world power along with China, while the United States slowly stretches it army over the world thereby causing the collapse of it's hegemony.
Taley...you'll love this.
I was in Oakland, CA for a work dealio for 3 days. At the end of the day when I'm at the hotel, I'm walking down to the bellman to find out where a certain address was, and there were two attrative women in their early 30's asking the bellman for dining suggestions. As he's going down the list he mentions the new French - Vietnamese fusion bistro that just opened 2 blocks away. The two gals turn to each other and one says "French food mixed with Vietnamese food? Never heard of that. How weird. Why would you open a French / Vietnamese place?" (Spoken in my best OMG Valley Girl Voice) I busted up laughing and kept walking past. I couldn't believe what I just heard. Sad! -
EF....my god you crack me up...loved the country listings.
So the USA is gunning for Iran again? Ah well, I guess they got their moment of being the good guys, for a wee while.
I expect Libya to be hot on the heels of Iran, as public enemy #1. Gadaffi has had his moment of peace for far too long.
As for Europe, Blair will jump to the hymn sheet of the USA, and France will oppose it, but probably send in crack Legionaires, anyway...
LOL - ok have I insulted eveyone now? LOL
No! -
fleaman uk
I bet you also two get scared at bedtime. If you equate the U.S. having nukes (and controlled by Bush) to Iran and North Korea having nukes, then you two really need to sit down and educate yourselves about the leaders of those countries
Lol Roybatty you truly are a finely tuned Armchair warrior.
I have no doubt at all that it would be best if Iran ,North Korea et al didnt have a Nuclear capability.Then again it would be best if no-one did,but lets leave out the naivety.My only problem is Bush,s eagerness to go flying in feet first,causing all kinds of trouble,stirring up hatred and resentment( the likes of which will go on for a long time)killing innocent Women and Children..all in the name of finding Nuclear ,biological and chemical Weapons that may or may not exist.Of course,in Iraq they didnt.
Hes destroying iraq..is he really gonna try it on in Iran as well.
Do Europes leaders have any guts?
Speaking as a Brit ,i wish my leader had the Guts to tell B**h where to go.But no,we carry on following B**h like a stupid little Puppy wherever he may lead us.
Your either with us or against us says Bush...well,just watch the recruits to al,qaeda if the Americans go in to Iran!
It would be funny if it wasnt so bloody sad.
In other words, do they have the guts to get into the same kind of mess the US is in?BTW, why would the US stand on the sidelines in regards to Iran? Aren't they supposed to be the world's police force? The enforcer of democracy and freedom, fighting evil dictators. Why pass the buck?
The US just wants Europe to be stuck in a quagmire just to justify theirs. Why wait after Europe to settle this matter? Isn't it a matter of US national security to insure that Iran has no nukes? Kind of risky to leave such important issues in the hands of incompetents don't you find?
I agree, Europe is weak, and George pretends he's letting them have a go at their way (diplomacy), he knows it won't work (wouldn't work for him either). He's just looking for someone to blame cause he can't take care of matters himself, he doesn't have the manpower to do the job, so he's passing the buck, plain and simple.
In other words, do they have the guts to get into the same kind of mess the US is in?
Nope. Guts to proceed with economic sanctions.
BTW, why would the US stand on the sidelines in regards to Iran? Aren't they supposed to be the world's police force? The enforcer of democracy and freedom, fighting evil dictators. Why pass the buck?
Hey, I'm just pointing out that this time Bush kept his nose out and let the europeans take the lead. Everyone's bitching about Bush and I'm not debating if he's right or wrong, I'm just asking what will the europeans do now that Iran has told them to buzz off?
The US just wants Europe to be stuck in a quagmire just to justify theirs. Why wait after Europe to settle this matter? Isn't it a matter of US national security to insure that Iran has no nukes? Kind of risky to leave such important issues in the hands of incompetents don't you find?
Why? Let the europeans handle Iran, the U.S. is busy enough with Iraq. Right now our allies could send in troops simply to secure the Iraqi border and stop the terrorists from coming in. They won't. But you're now asking the U.S. to help out with the situation in Iran? I thought being an ally was a give and take deal?
I agree, Europe is weak, and George pretends he's letting them have a go at their way (diplomacy), he knows it won't work (wouldn't work for him either).
So you're saying that diplomacy won't work with Iran? What other option are you proposing?
He's just looking for someone to blame cause he can't take care of matters himself, he doesn't have the manpower to do the job, so he's passing the buck, plain and simple.
No, he's saying "you don't like the way I do things, fine, let's do it your way."
Talk is cheap. Did it stop the North Koreans from building nukes? Nope. Will it stop the Iranians from building nukes? Nope. Say what you want about the war in Iraq. I can promise you one thing, Iraq won't be building nukes any time soon.