Couldnt have said some of the things better myself WLG, at one time or another since leaving the borg and sperating from hubby i have felt all those things, Im not a good person on my own and yet at times im not a good person in a relationship and I wish i was on my own, its hard to explain. I have lost a lot of friends over the years mainly due to my lack of patience. At the moment i have my fiance and a couple of friends and im kinda ok with that friends need maintenance and i dont have the time. Finances well yeah i hear you on that one, Im on a single parenting payment as i have a 3year old, after i pay the rent, food and bills im not left with much and often dream of a day when i will be financially secure. After my fiance and i marry at the end of the year i loose my pension and will be living off one wage, I would like to get a job but childcare is so expensive and i have no one else to look after my son. I dont know what advice to give you really, other than keep doing what ya doing and take one day at a time all the best es I'm doing so far
by wanderlustguy 15 Replies latest jw friends
I can't help but think that you're overthinking it, more than a little. As has already been stated - a day at a time.
As for occupying your time, and widening your circle of friends, try a new hobby, but for goodness sake stop thinking of the guys as potential competition. Therein lays madness, poor friendships, and an obsession that is more likely to hinder than help. Ever see that guy who tries too hard to get a date, trampling on his pals in an attempt to outgun them, and STILL doesnt get the girl that's the diamond because he's too busy looking at the wrong gem? You might just turn yourself into that guy...
As for bills - if you live within your means, you'll have the means to live.
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Ballistic.....I know a good woman for ya......and she's funny, and witty, and very pretty....AND....she's on, it's not me, ( and she's a hard worker.)....maybe she'll read this and then call me and holler at me....hee hee hee.
WLG.....hang in there all works out....there's someone for everyone....
Ballistic.....I know a good woman for ya......and she's funny, and witty, and very pretty....AND....she's on, it's not me, ( and she's a hard worker.)....maybe she'll read this and then call me and holler at me....hee hee hee.
LOL, that's sweet. I have a feeling that she might be a little bit far away, but I'm always on the lookout for instant messaging buddies.
I have been living by myself for a while now; since I have been pretty much alone or at least felt that way it doesnt bother me; I have friends and family within a phone call's reach so I really dont feel alone. In fact, Im glad I can shut them out once in a while, lol; good thing about living alone :)
I can't help but think that you're overthinking it, more than a little. As has already been stated - a day at a time.
This is just what I do...
Don't get me wrong, this isn't a Poor Little ol Me thing here, just me thinkng about what is affecting me and why. The reasons I post these is so my thought processes are subjected to speculation and criticism, and just in case there is someone else experiencing the same, because it sure does help me on those lonely days to know I'm not.
And I don;t just sit around all day thinking this stuff up either, but occasionally I'll sit and brainstorm, then write. Sometimes I revisit these, both my writing and the responses and it reminds me where I have been, and there is a feeling of accomplishment.
The other thing, if I don't stop and notice what causes certain states of mind or changes in thought processes, how can I hope to control them to any degree?