nor am I taking the piss out of people
LoL, I actually thought you were for real. But what faithful Witnoid uses the expression "taking the piss out of people"? Hey Scholar, you might want to go repent your sins to your elders now
. Scholar hates apostates because they are intellectually bankrupt, having found only darkness and ignorance with no God, religion, brotherhood or mission. Scholar only posts here to defend the truth and nothing but the truth and is not interested in converting the unbeliever and the sceptic.
Interesting. Basically, you`re saying that to be "intelectual bankrupt" and ignorant, is the same as having no God, religion or brotherhood. That`s funny. The way I see the expression "intelectual bankrupt", it has nothing whatsoever to do with being godlesss. But it has everything to do with believing blindly in a book publishing company that has elevated itself into God, basing its so-called "religion" on a century and-a-half of lies, constanly changed doctrines, prophecies that didn`t happen, and cover-ups. And you can hardly claim that people on this forum has no mission: Most people here has a mission, exposing the WTbts as what it is: A death cult!
Scholar is happy as a active publisher who plans to pioneer and continue his academic studies whilst reaching out for priviliges of service.
Good for you. By academic studies, I assume you mean going to serve as a Bethel-boy, being well taught (brainwashed) in Witnoid-doctrine, and becoming one of those "celebrated WT-scholars" you seem to think so much of (which the rest of the world have never even heard of). Make sure when you pioneer, that the door doesn`t hit you on the ass on your way out, that can be painful, I`ve been told. If Leo Greenlee had been still alive up there at Bethel, I`m sure he would have toughened up your behind a bit, before sending you out door-to-door. Oh well, maybe there are some others up there with the same taste in young Bethel-boys as him.
Oh, and "Scholar", you forgot one thing in your biography up there: "Scholar is such an obnoxious, pompous ass, that he prefers to speak of himself in the 3rd person".