Frannie, I am so sorry to read of the injustices you and your son recieved at the hands of the so called loving shephards!
Thank goodness that is all behind you. I know you are very highly valued here!
by misspeaches 23 Replies latest jw experiences
Frannie, I am so sorry to read of the injustices you and your son recieved at the hands of the so called loving shephards!
Thank goodness that is all behind you. I know you are very highly valued here!
And Bliss - I can't forget you Luv!!!
I think next time I will have to whip you up a meal! And of course enjoy some nice wine... That shiraz went down well on Friday. So did the bacardi and coke. (Lucky I wasn't driving!)
Random crazy ass story: I once spent 60 hours a month knocking on strangers doors offering a religious magazine.
Random crazy ass story: I once spent 60 hours a month knocking on strangers doors offering a religious magazine. GBL
Dude!!! Random crazy ass story indeed! Glad you made it through that bizarro period of your life!!!
I should have added that while I was in Charlotte at that new cong. my then JW husband before being DFd stopped working. He brought in NO money and was out all the time (I found out years later he was visiting gay bars and experimenting with that lifestyle) and of course smoking cigarettes. Our car had been repoed (they showed up one day at my work to get it). I was walking 2 1/2 miles to work one way, dropping off my young son to day care so I could work all day. I was exhausted, my thyroid started to enlarge and I looked and felt wasted. I ended up having a 'burn out' that took me two years to recover from.
I went to the elders and told them that I needed help. I said all is falling apart and I can't do it all alone, I don't know what to do. The brother had a meeting with the other brothers and this is what they told me!!!
The MAN or HEAD OF THE HOUSEHOLD is the only one who can ask us for HELP!!! I finally got a hold of my nowX and told him to go to the elders and expain we need help, or to his family. He said NO. He was DFd soon after that when the elders approached him about cigarette smoking and he talked to them while lighting up one.
I had to notify my family back in Mass. and they sent me plane tickets to go home leaving all I owned back there with no way to get it home.
I found out later that my nowX's brother who had visited us just before that time had not acted JW-like. (I found out from her that he had stayed with a Pioneering sister at her place!!! A single Pioneering sister!) She was going out in service with him every day and they were sitting together while he visited for 2 weeks. We all thought he was interested in her. After the two weeks, he left without a word. She was devastated, and kept coming over to ask me what had happened. He never admitted to that, and told me I was mistaken about him having spent that much time with him!!! Sounds like his brother (my X) and him had a lot in common! He is now an elder in a cong. in Mass somewhere!
I am starting to feel some of the old feelings of disgust when I write these old stories. I had no idea that I still felt anything about those times. Yuck. I am not sure whether to still post here or get some rest from it. I can't believe I was envolved in all that JUNK and sick stuff!!!! And stayed!!!!!!!!!!! I was out not long after that happened above though cause it kept getting worse.
out of the box
I was about 16 i think and i was staying with a friend on mine and went to his sunday morning meeting. Before the meeting his brother was going on to him, me and his other friends what a great film Basic Instinct was. Thats right, movies were mentioned in the talk and 'Basic Instinct' was highlighted as something we shouldnt watch.
He left during the middle song.
I could probably write a book on all the bad times i had in the borg, especially during the last couple of years before i stopped going to the kh, but i'll just share this one for now: It happened about 3 or 4 months before i stopped attending.....I had a talk to deliver, can't remember the topic but it was a number 4, but went down with a really bad cold on the day and could hardly speak, so i asked a brother who lived nearby to take it for me, and he agreed, so he called round to get the notes i'd made in preparation. Out of courtesy i phoned the school overseer and let him know what i'd done, for which he thanked me, which probably p**d him off because he hated me, and the feeling was mutual. Next night, the overseer, the po and the bro who had covered the talk came round and accused me of not turning up for my assignment and not even notifying them! They both denied ever receiving a phone call from me, and claimed it was just another example of how i was trying to undermine the elders and cause disruption in the kh. Later on, the bro phoned me and admitted that he had been pressured to lie by the elders, they wanted me to go worship somewhere else because i was a constant thorn in their flesh, probably because i stood up to them. I f they could have dfd me, i think they would have. Oddly enough, i was thinking of leaving at the time, the only reason i stayed for another few months was to annoy them once i knew how much they wanted me to go, so in a way what they did delayed my escape for a while. I did leave not long after, and they didn't get too many opportunities to have further digs at me, just a couple, which i'll relate some other time
My brother and I were once getting ready for the Memorial. We weren't rushing or anything, but just acting like any other normal meeting night. All of a sudden my mother burst in and told us to hurry up, we had to be at the Hall even earlier for the Memorial. All the 'submarines' would be there, and we had to beat them to get good seats. My brother laughed and asked what a submarine was. Mom replied that it was those people you never saw except at Memorial when they surfaced to get some of Jehovah's air. (At the time my dad was the service overseer. As the wife of a prominent elder I would have expected her to show just a little more love for her fellow brothers and sisters.)
We were hanging out at one of the local ministerial servants houses a few years back. This guy was pretty cool, but he had some serious designs on being an elder. So in public he always put on a spiritual show. Anyway there we all are hanging out in his entertainment room, when someone opens up his TV cabinet.......Would you believe it, AMERICAN PIE falls out! If you've seen it, you would know how un-JW that movie is. I still laugh about that to this day!
Outofthebox said -
I am starting to feel some of the old feelings of disgust when I write these old stories. I had no idea that I still felt anything about those times. Yuck. I am not sure whether to still post here or get some rest from it I can't believe I was envolved in all that JUNK and sick stuff!!!! And stayed!!!!!!!!!!! I was out not long after that happened above though cause it kept getting worse.
Its incredible isn't it. There are just so many incredible stories they just appear to be neverending at times. I find myself recalling a story I had long forgotten about and feeling shocked that I accepted certain things as normal. You go through all the range of emotions everytime one is recalled.
Your in a better place now...
well misspeaches - I've been truly out of the organisation for only about 2 months - got defd in July but wasn't attending meetings before. As with being defd along comes the shunning from everyone that is a witness, family, friends you've know since birth.....You leave feeling like you've lost the world but you know what after that initial downer..... how do I describe it.... I feel like a blind man that has received sight for the first time, and is looking up at a huge rainbow, seeing the 7 different colours, the joy is so much one cannot put it down in words.
There was one friend however that I thought would never ever shun me....just last thursday she phoned to say she heard that I'd been defd, she really laid on the whole "guilt trip" thing, How sad she was, how she couldn't believe that I'd turn my back on God, how she wouldn't be able to associate with me becuase her life & her kids life were on the line. When I told her I'd explain the ins and outs she told me "no I honestly don't even want to hear it Lou".
I had a bit of a cry. Felt sad for about 5 minutes. Closed my eyes and prayed for her. You see those weren't tears for me, the saddness wasn't for me - it was for her. I was so sad she couldn't see how joyful I had been since I've left, the absolute surety of my freedom from a death hold.