How many English/Brits on board? America OwnZ!!!!

by d0rkyd00d 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Prisca

    Just an observation...

    Dorkydood starts up a thread that he admits he is "well aware i'm opening a post for flaming", then cries foul when he is asked to substantiate his opinions! Poor widdle boy....

    Look mate, I'm not picking on you, but if you are going to make outlandish statements such as "U.S.A. is the best country in the world", then at least give us some proof!!

    Your point about gun usage is a valid point. Americans seem to be so trigger happy, and so demanding upon their "right" to possess guns. Yet we often hear of mass shootings in the US, even by teenagers! That is so far unheard of here in Australia, and I hope we don't adopt the gun-toting mentality that seems to permeate the States.

    Abaddon brought the point about social welfare. I'm aware that America has little provisions for those who are unemployed, single mums, or who depend heavily on health-care. Here in Australia you can obtain unemployment benefits if you are out of work and actively seeking it (you have to provide proof that you applied for jobs). Single mums receive a pension from the time the baby is born. Admittedly, this provision can be, and is, abused, but it is there for those who genuinely need it.

    Health care is cheaply available. Many doctors "bulk-bill", which means that if you see the doctor for an appointment, the government is charged, not you. Hospital care is almost free, with most basic services available for no cost.

    What do I like about Australia? I love the freedom we have. We enjoy a good standard of living, a healthy lifestyle that is available to anyone that avails themselves to it. We have more sunshine than rain, an easy-going attitude to life ("she'll be right" is a common expression) and animals that Noah chose not to drop off at other continents (ask larc if you don't understand that last comment!)

    I have travelled around the world - I have walked in Red Square, stood in awe on the rim of the Grand Canyon, sailed in the Greek Isles. I was even considering moving and living in one European country whilst engaged to someone that lived there, and yet,

    I still call Australia home!

  • expatbrit

    Personally, I think it should be compulsory for every young person to live in at least two different foreign countries for a period of two years each.


  • ozziepost

    Seems we can agree that the world of nations is a marvellous place. Travel is such a wonderful thing. To see such diversity, different cultures, even if you choose not to live "there" it's wonderful to visit.

    Interesting isn't it to think how God brought all this about? Seems the Tower of Babel wasn't such a bad thing after all!!!


    "You can know the law by heart, without knowing the heart of it"
    Philip Yancey, What's So Amazing About Grace?

  • bboyneko

    I was born in Colombia South America, and now am an American Citizen. I have been to England and Norway, and thats it for my country visits. I totally agree that young people should be made to live in foreign countries for a short period of their lives. It's very mind opening. That's why they have foreign exchange student programs I suppose.

    And I agree that the US social programs SUCK. Health care is awful, and so are any unemployment programs. I know that in Norway you will get paid while unndergoing training for a job is you are unemployed. And now, its not training to be a temp worker or mechanic or burger king worker, they train you in high tech fields, computer shtuff. Paid job training by the government, now thats cool.

    USA is nice and all, especially if you are in the entertainment industry. But we are far too fundamentalist in our law-making. THe country is not at all open-minded when it comes to new science such as stem cell research and cloning. Like I said in a previous post, we brred amny cults and we have what is known as the bible belt, an area in the south that is fanatically religious.

    I would stay in your respective countries if I were you, the US is pretty to visit especially Orlando Florida for going to Disney, but living here is frustrating when you have an idiot like Bush for president.

    And yes, you hear on TV everyday how Bush is a moron. They have no qualms with making fun of im every hour on the hour.

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