Do JWs give you the creeps?

by sonnyboy 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    "Bodysnatching" is a well known human horror theme - zombie stories, alien substitution, mind control (mental health fears) - the person whose brain is out of control is a universal fear


    Consider the infinite - the extremities of things observed - black holes, and stars with the mass of the earth in the size of a matchbox - and so there are jws - it's another freaky thing is all

  • hamsterbait


    I never socialize with them now. (Not that they invite me). Wierd stilted conversations. (DOES ANYBODY FEEL CREATIVE ENOUGH TO DO ONE)

    I realized how far I've come, a couple of years ago. For once I went to the group study (the elders were gettin' pesky) and a woman was there who had been out for 20 years. We shared mutual memories and chatted and laughed after, she was the only normal person there. No rictus smile. No did you read in the latest magazine?

    Lots of them walk past me these days with a curt hello, even tho I go to the meeting every 2 or 3 weeks to keep the peace.


    kls: Honeybunch - I don needs to say anyfing "AFTER". You has gets the "willies" from me and don wan to tawks: "Too 'sausted." I pulls you nightie down an gods bless ma Honey.

  • daystar

    Two "brothers" stopped by briefly to, I suppose, check in on my dad while I was there. I've been out so long that I've forgotten some of the terminology, but one of them was the... presiding overseer (??) of the congregation.

    Well, anyway. I knew who they were, but I was busy, so I just kept on with what I was doing. They didn't give me the creeps, but I was very aware that they were there... making observations, smiling those fake, judgemental smiles.

    People like defd like to regurgitate the reasons the WTS gives for people that have left the org feeling uncomfortable around JWs. They claim it must be their conscience trying to tell them something. Or worse, it's the demonic hold on them that makes them react thusly.

    Really, it's that current, active, fanatic JWs really are creepy in the normal sense. Ever seen that scene in Poltergeist where that evil preacher guy walks up the street, all evil, creepy smiles, and comes a knockin'? That is the kind of creepy we're talking about.

    Apologists should understand that for the vast majority of us, if our consciences are bothering us, it's because of the mean things we were pushed to do as "good" JWs.

  • Stress Free
    Stress Free

    I know the feeling sonnyboy. This particularly happens when I see my parents which is very seldom these days. I get that sick feeling in my stomach and sit on the edge for the entire visit. I even have a hard time picking up the phone to say hello because you are always waiting for there sarcastic remarks to be spoken. However, when I occasionally come across old jw friends including family, I will always make the point in a subtle way of how happy we are and let them see that there is life outside the org. Many of them are of the belief that when you leave you become the devil, so by showing them that you are living a normal happy life, you just may get to think about life outside of the org. You just feel pity for most jw's who are trapped in this cult and just hope that one day they will wake up and see it for what it is.

  • misspeaches

    Hi Sonny boy...

    When I have an encounter with them I get really freaked out. I tend to be really paranoid and sit my housemates down (again) for another talk about not giving out my phone number or any information about me to men in suits if they turn up on the door....

    (Yes they have done this too me)

  • LouBelle

    defd is the perfect candidate for the LITTLE MINDS award!!!!!!! Take the blinkers off dude - go to your elders and tell them you post on here - I'm sure they'll have some very upbuilding scriptual guidence to give you - I have no doubt they could find a scripture that says "Jehovah says that internet posting in JWD is evil & you shall be destoyed at Armegeddon for posting there"

    Now back to the topic. They don't give me the creeps at all - I actually think I give them the creeps because I've conquered them & I have no fears of God / demons / religions. I'm truly liberated. It's kinda funny - perhaps they think that I have groupie demons following me around and at will I can order them to posess them.

  • kid-A

    I agree, they dont give me the creeps simply because I used to be one of them, so I see them simply as confused human beings, nothing more nothing less.

    Its the doctrines and the horrific results of those doctrines that give me the creeps...

    but as for having once been one and having once actually believed those doctrines, I can only think of Nietzsche's immortal words: "And when you stare into the abyss...the abyss also stares back at you".......

  • heathen

    Yah it really creeps my out when they keep proclaiming to have the highest moral standards in the world and most of them are lying thieving freaks . They claim to be so humble yet act like they are holier than thou all the time . The hypocrisy is down right sickening .

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