I dont think they deserve it
Isn't It Time That The Americans Learned How To Enjoy Cricket?
by Englishman 26 Replies latest jw friends
Just what we need in this country, a game that's longer, slower and requires less athletic skill than Baseball.
Now if you Brits would lace up the skates and play Ice Hockey, then maybe we'd take your other sports seriously.
Englishman, I wish I could take you to an American Football game, oh say Chiefs vs. Raiders at Kansas City, MO. You want to talk about intensity? Trust me, cricket would seem like afternoon tea.
ive been to gridiron games
loved every minute...
but it aint cricket
and i bet crr could not run up and bowl all day....or last one over from a fast bowler
Ms. Whip
now if it was full contact cricket
or naked super model cricket
or a gay cricket reality show
u might get a rise out of us americans...but, first i think u'd have to change the name. no red blooded, beer drinkin, woman chasin american man is gonna be caught dead watching something called "cricket"
Yeah, you have to remember that the average American probably couldn't endure cricket. We get bored easy. Sad but true. Most of us require constant input, instant gratification.
William Penwell
I would get more excitement watching paint dry.
fleaman uk
Crickets ok ..but here are a few ways of improving it.1)make the pitch rectangular instead of oval
2)make the stumps a bit bigger..and further apart,about a 100 yards apart
3)turn said stumps into 7 foot tall posts and put the middle stump across the top..this one will be about 10 foot long or so....oh,and dont forget some netting....
4)make the ball softer and much larger
5)now,instead of using a bat and ball(11 outfield players trying to get the opposition 2 batsmen out)...have all 22 players on the pitch at all times....11 a side of course,gotta make it fair... kicking the said ball and attempting to kick it ..or head it...into the back of the newly enlarged "stumps".Btw the Wicketkeepers are the only ones allowed to handle the Ball.....they dont even have to catch it..just gotta keep it out...
6)hey presto!!
(with unapologetic thanks to Angus Deayton)
Having said all that...im hoping for an English victory..even for us non-fans theres something special about playing....and beating... the Aussies at anything!
Ms. Whip
blondie lol
if Canada can beat America @ a sport...u know our hearts not in it and we ain't watching it. lol