there ARE good people in this world

by tsunami_rid3r 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • tsunami_rid3r

    i was at a gas station, shuffling through the change in my cup holder. i'm jobless and broke, and the gas guage is lit up to empty. ive got $5.20 worth of change, as i walk in the gas station, theres a man with a huge stick with all these flags on it talking of his travels around the world. i was curious and spoke to him, and i soon learned he was spreading some message about god.

    he noticed the huge amount of change i gathered and offered to give me money. i was highly against that. i don't like depending on people. i can make it on my own. i'm not weak, and i don't want help.

    well this is what he told me, "its from god, he's listended to your prayers and looked at your heart."

    i just took the $10 from some stranger and added it to the gas. i just got this feeling of like "wow there are good people in this world."

    i'd like to believe in god, but not right now. things just don't seem right.

  • ButtLight

    That was nice of him. So, did you pray or not?

  • tsunami_rid3r

    hah i never pray, not even at the kingdom hall. i'm scum, shoot me. wait maybe, there is something out there. i mean this happened after i went to my friends house and sang her happy birthday with my guitar. i don't know, this is just too wierd. i'm way wierded out. i admire the man.

  • out of the box
    out of the box

    I believe in what goes around comes around. People who are not afraid of this world and freely give flow with everything. Giving in it's time. I feel you became a recipient of that gift. I have had it loads of times and I try to remember to return it by giving to someone like that when I can. You know 'Pass it on"! Or, it has been called A Random Act of Kindness. The more we do it, the more it will spread! It does not even have to be money,

    • like letting someone go through the door before you
    • smiling to a handicapped person or elderly, (I mean a REAL smile with a genuine 'how are you'?)
    • Let someone go on ahead in the car before you pull out
    • Compliment someone's outfit or car, etc.
    • SMILE
    • Can I help? when someone is struggling with packages or something heavy.
    • Post on someone's thread that seems depressed and try and cheer the person up.

    You get it now... Have a GREAT Day!!!

    out of the box

  • tsunami_rid3r

    i dont know, this just felt a lot different then someone letting me go in one lane before them.

  • misspeaches

    Hey T.R. have you ever seen that movie 'Pay it forward'?

    It's a little corny but it has a great message. Someone does something nice for you and then you do something nice for 3 other people. They in turn do something nice for 3 other people each and so forth and so forth.

    Look at what an impact that man's act of kindness had on you. I am sure he wasn't just standing in the petrol station expecting you to come along. He saw an opportunity to do something and he took it. So next time you see something you can do for someone then don't even think twice. Just do it. You will feel great for it and imagine how they will feel as well. You don't have to go around looking for things you will get your opportunities.

    All the best!

  • under74

    Hey, I don't believe in what the guy you met today believes in BUT I believe that he believes it. I also believe he's a great guy with or without religion or even god. That was a nice thing he did. Just remember it when you see someone you know you can help out one day.

  • ohiocowboy

    Clay Walker Song Lyrics
    The Chain Of Love

    He was driving home one evening,
    In his beat up pontiac
    When an old lady flagged him down,
    Her mercedes had a flat
    He could see that she was frightened,
    Standing out there in the snow
    'til he said i'm here to help you ma'am,
    By the way my name is joe

    She said i'm from st. louis,
    And i'm only passing through
    I must have seen a hundred cars go by,
    This is awful nice of you
    When he changed the tire,
    And closed her trunk
    And was about to drive away,
    She said how much do i owe you
    Here's what he had to say

    You don't owe me a thing, i've been there too
    Someone once helped me out,
    Just the way i'm helping you
    If you really want to pay me back,
    Here's what you do
    Don't let the chain of love end with you

    Well a few miles down the road,
    The lady saw a small cafe
    She went in to grab a bite to eat,
    And then be on her way
    But she couldn't help but notice,
    How the waitress smiled so sweet
    And how she must've been eight months along,
    And dead on her feet

    And though she didn't know her story,
    And she probably never will
    When the waitress went to get her change,
    From a hundred dollar bill
    The lady slipped right out the door,
    And on a napkin left a note
    There were tears in the waitress's eyes,
    When she read what she wrote

    You don't owe me a thing,
    I've been there too
    Someone once helped me out,
    Just the way i'm helping you
    If you really want to pay me back,
    Here's what you do
    Don't let the chain of love end with you

    That night when she got home from work,
    The waitress climbed into bed
    She was thinkin' about the money,
    And what the lady's note had said
    As her husband lay there sleeping,
    She whispered soft and low
    Everything's gonna be alright, i love you, joe
  • Golf

    Good post 'out of the box' so true, so true.


  • LouBelle

    yeah I also believe in what goes around comes around - well no I actually don't. Because way too many times the bad guy wins - in reality.

    Oh and a note to you little guy - just because you accept help in some way or another doesn't mean you are weak and you can't make it on your own. But you're still a baby and have lots of growing up to do.

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