i was at a gas station, shuffling through the change in my cup holder. i'm jobless and broke, and the gas guage is lit up to empty. ive got $5.20 worth of change, as i walk in the gas station, theres a man with a huge stick with all these flags on it talking of his travels around the world. i was curious and spoke to him, and i soon learned he was spreading some message about god.
he noticed the huge amount of change i gathered and offered to give me money. i was highly against that. i don't like depending on people. i can make it on my own. i'm not weak, and i don't want help.
well this is what he told me, "its from god, he's listended to your prayers and looked at your heart."
i just took the $10 from some stranger and added it to the gas. i just got this feeling of like "wow there are good people in this world."
i'd like to believe in god, but not right now. things just don't seem right.