A Christian friend of mine had a melt down this weekend and screamed at my roommate about both of us being "preachy atheists". He also said, in talking about me, that "I can see it in his eyes, he think's he's right!" It was after a bunch of drinks at a bar and my roommate said that he was nearly in tears. I've only chatted with this guy about it twice, and I only got into it because he told me he believes I'm going to hell. Maybe my Dub preachiness has crossed over with my freshly blossomed atheism.. and has formed an evil monster bent on making Christian fundies cry. Should I just shut the hell up when normies start talking about spiritual topics? I've met so many people that have IMO f******** up wishy washy beliefs these days. I'm a reasonably happy-go-lucky guy but I become the dark cloud of atheism that can't help but roll eyes when ever, you know, I hear some girl at a party say that she doesn't believe in God but is very spiritual.