St John's Wort led me to this JW site!

by AuntieJane 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • misspeaches

    Hi Kelly! I remember reading your letter a month ago when it was first posted here!

    I can't believe that ex JW is harrassing you and threatening you like that. I would be inclined to warn her that if she continues on in this manner you will notify the authorities that she is stalking you and invading your privacy. I am not sure of the correct terms to use to really scare her but i bet someone here will!

  • kellym

    Actually I went to the police, because whoever it was sending me harassing emails wouldn't stop. I also contacted my lawyer again, to make sure I wasn't doing anything wrong. Well, the local police said they can't help me because a "criminal threat" means someone threatening my physically... in other words, if the person just threatens to ruin my job, my life, and things like that, the police still can't help me. But really, my website is my "homely home page" and there's no relation to my work... I'm not sure how they draw the link. I'm not gonna take the page down because someone is threatening me. I bet there's a Jehovah's Witness network of people trying to figure out how to foul me up, because I see a lot of traffic to the page. Whoever it is wrote a letter to five senior managers at my employer. I don't really care about that, because my ex-fiancee and her Jehovah Witness beliefs have nothing to do with my work... nor does the page I put up that describes her. I won't let them silence me, though they're trying very hard to. I've been on the Internet almost 20 years now, so I'm pretty comfortable defending myself from malicous attacks like these. This is the worst yet but I'm prepared. I'm also a hacker and comfortable on the bit-and-bytes side of things too.

  • kellym

    Actually I went to the police, because whoever it was sending me harassing emails wouldn't stop. I also contacted my lawyer again, to make sure I wasn't doing anything wrong. Well, the local police said they can't help me because a "criminal threat" means someone threatening my physically... in other words, if the person just threatens to ruin my job, my life, and things like that, the police still can't help me. But really, my website is my "homely home page" and there's no relation to my work... I'm not sure how they draw the link. I'm not gonna take the page down because someone is threatening me. I bet there's a Jehovah's Witness network of people trying to figure out how to foul me up, because I see a lot of traffic to the page. Whoever it is wrote a letter to five senior managers at my employer. I don't really care about that, because my ex-fiancee and her Jehovah Witness beliefs have nothing to do with my work... nor does the page I put up that describes her. I won't let them silence me, though they're trying very hard to. I've been on the Internet almost 20 years now, so I'm pretty comfortable defending myself from malicous attacks like these. This is the worst yet but I'm prepared. I'm also a hacker and comfortable on the bit-and-bytes side of things too.

  • skinnyboy

    way to go Kelly! I think you got off lightly mate!! you could of married this waste of space and spent your life 100% miserable all the time! Use your h@xX0rz skills to trace the malicious emails, then have some boys pay the fools a visit. As for this Nora-thing, shes typical of the gold digging materialistic whores the Dubs pump out! The good ones leave mate!

  • kellym

    Actually I went to the police, because whoever it was sending me harassing emails wouldn't stop. I also contacted my lawyer again, to make sure I wasn't doing anything wrong.

    Well, the local police said they can't help me because a "criminal threat" means someone threatening my physically... in other words, if the person just threatens to ruin my job, my life, and things like that, the police still can't help me. But really, my website is my "homely home page" and there's no relation to my work... I'm not sure how they draw the link between my ex-fiancee and my job... other than the fact that I'm a prominent person in my field, I work online, and the page is online... but work and personal life are two different things.

    I'm not gonna take the page down because someone is threatening me. I bet there's a Jehovah's Witness network of people trying to figure out how to foul me up, because I see a lot of traffic to the page. Whoever it is wrote a letter to five senior managers at my employer. I don't really care about that, because my ex-fiancee and her Jehovah Witness beliefs have nothing to do with my work... nor does the page I put up that describes her. I won't let them silence me, though they're trying very hard to.

    I've been on the Internet almost 20 years now, so I'm pretty comfortable defending myself. I'm also a hacker and comfortable on the bit-and-bytes side of things too. If the threats get worse I'll be able to protect myself online in a multitude of ways, fortunately.


    PS - sorry for the multiple posts, this discussion forum software isn't too intuitive. :)

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