Read this today on CNN. The other night there was some Catholic scholar referring to the book as being fiction. I was confused as to whether he was referring to the "Da Vinci Code" or the "Bible"?
Nun confronts Hanks over 'Da Vinci Code'
by William Penwell 39 Replies latest social current
I respect her for standing up for her beloved Jesus' reputation. If this was my loved one and I felt someone was besmurching his name and damaging his reputation with a lie I would hope I would have the guts to protest also. The fact she was alone in doing so surprises me. I have run into people who believe this theory. I can't say I have let them talk too long. I always cut them off like they are crazy. I ask myself why they want to believe it so much. I guess they are trying to make him appear more normal and manly. It also makes a statement against forced celibacy. But is it my responsibility to defend Jesus anymore? I dont think so.
Good for her but I would like to tell her two things.
1. It was the costume for a Jewish boy at age twelve to be betroved a wife especially a young man like Jesus that was considered Royalty jesus had royal blood on both side of the family tree.
2. Even the Jewish Leaders call Jesus Rabi proving he met the qualification to be a Rabi or the Jewish leaders would never of given him the glory of calling him Rabi. To become a Rabi one had to be educated in the religious schools of higher learning and be MARRIED!!! there was no exceptions. So Jesus being a Jew plus a Rabi he must of been married.
A poll was on CTV recently that said 30% of Canadians think the Da Vinci Code is true.
'Nuff said.
P.S. I read the book and it is all Bull SHEET the book is wrong in its facts but is right about Jesus being married. So the books facts are not true but he is right but Jesus being married.
2. Even the Jewish Leaders call Jesus Rabi proving he met the qualification to be a Rabi or the Jewish leaders would never of given him the glory of calling him Rabi. To become a Rabi one had to be educated in the religious schools of higher learning and be MARRIED!!! there was no exceptions. So Jesus being a Jew plus a Rabi he must of been married.
You're forgetting, Rabbi is both a title and a noun. It means "teacher". For example, people are called "deacons" in the New Testament, this means "servant" in some places and "servant" as a title in others.
1. It was the costume for a Jewish boy at age twelve to be betroved a wife especially a young man like Jesus that was considered Royalty jesus had royal blood on both side of the family tree.
That's interesting. Many scholars think that Jesus was poor and historical accounts don't say either way.
Rabbi the Greek word used when he was addressed by the Scribes was a proper noun or RABBI like the President or Bishop "Raboni" and also Jesus was referred to the tittle rabbi "didaskalos" which means teacher, master, not all uses of RABBI was a tittle. When used as a proper NOUN it meant just that. There is noway the scribes would of used the NOUN RABBI if he was not.
Also Jesus had a house. Jesus was a carpenter a carpenter was a very high skilled job back then. Most people lived in mud houses with no need for a carpenter so a carpenter was used in the temples and other high skilled buildings. A job in todays comparison would be a dimond cutter and the pay would be on the same level. Jesus the bible said came form loyal linage. He was like the royalty in Britian. His blood line would of made him the King if the Jews id not for the Jews beening under Rome. Do you think people of that day did not know this???????? Yes they know this and he was not poor, I have studied Jesus life and the life of the Jewish people and how they thought and lived back then. No were in the Bible does it say anything to the contrary.
The fact is this if people know the real Jesus not being poor, not being un-educated and being adored by the people that was looking to make him a King when he became old enough to lead a revolution they would rethink things.
Dumb Nun.
The Da Vinci Code is a dumbed down fictionalized version of of Holy Blood Holy Grail by Baigent and Leighton (I think, I'm relying on memory).
Silly silly DVC has been on the bestseller list for about three years.
Let's see, "Rabbi" was many times in the New Testament.
1. Mt 23:7, "and salutations in the market places, and being called rabbi by men." In the Greek it is "hrabbi."
2. Mt 23:8, " But you are not to be called rabbi, for you have one teacher , and you are all brethren." "hrabbi" is used here.
3. John 1:38, " Jesus turned, and saw them following, and said to them, "What do you seek?" And they said to him, "Rabbi" (which means Teacher), "where are you staying?"" Here "hrabbi" is also used, but the author points out that it doesn't means "teacher" and not a title.
It is clear that the author of John did not use "hrabbi" as a title for an office, but to mean "teacher" or didaskalos.
The Jewish Encyclopedia says that, at the time of the Gospels, Rabbi was not a title: Sherira's statement shows clearly that at the time of Jesus there were no titles; and Grätz ("Gesch." iv. 431), therefore, regards as anachronisms the title "Rabbi" as given in the gospels to John the Baptist and Jesus, Jesus' disapprobation of the ambition of the Jewish doctors who love to be called by this title, and his admonition to his disciples not to suffer themselves to be so styled (Matt. xxiii. 7, 8).
A different account of the origin and the signification of the titles is given in the Tosefta to 'Eduyot (end): "He who has disciples and whose disciples again have disciples is called 'Rabbi'; when his disciples are forgotten [i.e., if he is so old that even his immediate disciples belong to the past age] he is called 'Rabban'; and when the disciples of his disciples are also forgotten he is called simply by his own name."
In modern times the term "Rabbi" (in Judæo-German, "Rab") is used as a word of courtesy simulating the English "Mister." (
Also Jesus had a house. Jesus was a carpenter a carpenter was a very high skilled job back then. Most people lived in mud houses with no need for a carpenter so a carpenter was used in the temples and other high skilled buildings. A job in todays comparison would be a dimond cutter and the pay would be on the same level. Jesus the bible said came form loyal linage. He was like the royalty in Britian. His blood line would of made him the King if the Jews id not for the Jews beening ;under Rome. Do you think people of that day did not know this???????? Yes they know this and he was not poor, I have studied Jesus life and the life of the Jewish people and how they thought and lived back then. No were in the Bible does it say anything to the contrary.
That's interesting, research I've read said that being a carpenter is not a high paying job. For example, those in the middle ages that did masonry were not rich people. A merchant would make quite a lot more than a skilled craftsman.
Nazareth was an agricultural village, hardly a place for a rich man and Galilee was considered the "sticks". From what we can tell from the Gospels, his family was poor because they could not find a place to give birth in. A rich family would make sure to see that they did have somewhere to stay. Another proof for his poverty would be that he gave turtledoves for the Purificaton instead of lambs.
Royal blood is useless when it hasn't been used for hundreds of years and people tend to forget about it when you marry into other families. I've got some royal blood, but you don't see me going to claim an ancient peerage that belonged to my family.