Which meetings did you hate the most?

by JH 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • ChrisVance

    They were all boring a XXXX.

  • Aude_Sapere

    Judicial (??)

    lol I never had one - not even one shepharding call in 20+ years as an active witness.

    Of the 5 meetings, I don't remember having a favorite or least favorite. I was properly conditioned to hold all of them in high regard and each was different and special in it's own unique way. (GAGs me now to think about them.)


  • blondie

    All of them in this order:

    1. Service meeting

    2. Public talk

    3. WT Study (depended on the subject)

    4. Book Study (depended on the book)

    5. Theocratic School


  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    I think I'd have to say the Sunday meeting (Talk/WT Study) mainly because the congregation we went to when I was growing up had the meeting in the afternoon. That was just brutal as a kid, beautiful Sundays cut in half by the meeting, watching the kids outside playing as we drove off to the hall for our Sunday brainwashing. And if we went out Sunday morning it was even worse, just the whole day shot.

  • Legolas

    All of them

  • BrendaCloutier
    All of them in this order:

    1. Service meeting

    2. Public talk

    3. WT Study (depended on the subject)

    4. Book Study (depended on the book)

    5. Theocratic School

    I totally agree with Blondie, but y'all forgot the Sat am and Sun am and Wed am meetings for Field Service. I put that between Public Talk and WT Study.

  • GoingGoingGone

    WT study, because it drove me NUTS when the reader couldn't read well..... Which was most of the time.....Like nails on a chalkboard to me. I would pass the time reading the rest of the magazine.....


  • ChrisVance

    The Sunday meeting was bad no matter what time it was.

  • shera

    They all bored me,I would say any of them where I had to talk...lol So shy and nervous back then.

  • curlygirl

    Every bloody one.

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