For all husbands with believing wives......

by jeeprube 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Check_Your_Premises
    I would never judge a person that they should have done something different.

    Nor would I. However, I would be careful of considering advice from someone who failed to meet an objective that I want to acheive for my family and my situation, unless it was as a lesson in what not to do. I realized early on that there were many here who had no interest in helping me. They had failed to meet their objectives, and in a sick sort of way they feared that my success would somehow present them with the painful realization that their failures were avoidable. I have no time for them.

    This is essentially warfare for you Jeep. You will win or lose. When you are engaged in warfare there is simply no room for those things that will be a hinderance to victory. One of the biggest hinderances to victory is low morale. A good way to get low morale is to focus on the appearance of unavoidable defeat. You really can't ever concern yourself with costs of victory or the likelihood of defeat. You should definitely consider the effectiveness of any strategy, and make changes based on reality. But the warrior mentality only considers and works towards the defeat of the enemy. There is no room for despair or pessimism.

    Good luck fighting the fine fight of the faith.

    See you at your wife's da party!!! Now go kick some ass.


  • M.J.

    I might add that my oldest DID participate in YMCA T-Ball this year. She grumbled a bit at first, but I kind of ignored it and she eventually went along with it. It was a nice season with not even ONE satanic incident! Lots of great memories of his first team sport activity! We plan on keeping him in active in sports now that he's just old enough.

  • TheListener

    Good work M.J.

    Team sports is a great start. YMCA wow you devil worhsipper you.

    Good job with that.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I left in 1989. My wife decided to stay in.

    I won't lie to you, it did cause tension between us. I was frustrated because (1) she wouldn't leave with me and (2) she could not refute my arguments and yet she still stayed. I remember many times I'd literally tear the magazines up into little pieces or throw one of the books against the wall. I was so angry at the organization and so frustrated with my wife for not seeing what I saw.

    It took a couple of years but we finally worked out a peaceful co-existence on the subject of religion. She wouldn't pressure me to go, and I wouldn't argue with her to leave. We agreed to disagree and to respect each others' beliefs. At the time we had no children.

    How many men have been able to come out and still mantain some level of spirituality in their families?

    While Nina refused to leave the Witnesses, she still respected my arguments. I used to tell her I was on a journey and I didn't know where it would lead but I felt then (and told her so many times) that I was putting more faith in God by leaving as now I was trusting my eternal life to him.

    We would each try to subtly make our spiritual points to the other, but gradually mine carried more and more weight. It was never argumentative. I think it was a case of each one believing strongly in their course and loving the other enough to make the effort to bring them along.

    It wasn't all sweetness and light though. I felt like a failure. I truly believed God hated me and would murder me at Armageddon. I was told I was the only one who felt this way; no one else had a problem with "the Truth" and I bought into that for many years. Ah to have had the Internet back then!

    Anybody else face the blood issue with their wife in regards to their children? We don't have kids yet, but I finally told her that if we did, and one of them ever needed a blood transfusion, that I would fight to the death to see them get it.

    Thankfully no. We had two children and both times I went along with her blood issue stand. I never told her, (I didn't see the reason to at the time) but if the baby was in trouble I knew the hospital would want to give blood and I was ready to agree. No need to worry about the problem until it presents itself.

    How about school sports with your children? Anybody allow them to participate, and how did your mate react?

    Fortunately my wife was fairly open minded. We gave our oldest piano and dance lessons. But our story had a happy ending. When my daughter was 8 and my son 6, Nina finally had enough and left. It took she and I 13 years (1989-2002) to finally mend what started out as a huge spiritual split.

    But here's the important point. It took both of us. If only one of you is working at it, the marriage will eventually collapse. Nina and I cared more for the other and were willing to set aside this disagreement for the sake of our marriage. It took patience, an open mind, persistence and a willingness to fight for the marriage for us to make it through. On your part, accept that she is not going to be very supportive of you, especially at first. In the beginning it takes you being aware of her limitations as well as the repurcussions from those limitations. Be patient, honest (if she spouts some harsh JW nonsense at you, call her on it), but make it clear that your problem is with the religion, not her. And you'll have to do it over and over and over.

    It can be done. It's tough as hell, but it can be done.


  • metatron

    First, say no to guilt! No, No, No, no, no!

    This is the whole key to how the Watchtower dominates weak people.

    You might find it better to tell others that you've lost confidence in God and his love - rather than saying you don't want

    to be a Witness! The change in this is subtle - but significant. If you lose faith in the "organization", you're automatically

    an apostate. If you lose faith in God and his love, you're likely to encounter pity ( which is probably preferable, in your circumstance)

    It just 'plays' better.

    If you love your wife, show it consistently. Give her no excuse to leave you.

    That's what to do - and all you should do - and you shouldn't feel any further guilt beyond it.


  • tetrapod.sapien
    If you lose faith in God and his love, you're likely to encounter pity ( which is probably preferable, in your circumstance)

    It just 'plays' better.

    totally agree metatron. this is what i told my friends and family before i left. they had no idea what to say. it's funny that you can practically curse god, and get pity, but cross the borg, and you're the enemy.


  • M.J.
    If you lose faith in the "organization", you're automatically

    an apostate. If you lose faith in God and his love, you're likely to encounter pity

    Is this sick or what? It's worse to lose faith in the org than in God himself!

  • DannyHaszard

    Whole lotta relation-shits in da troof Roger that mates born JW 1957 stayed celibate until age 46 year 2003 my dysfunctional JW story is at my home page. ----- Watchtower Whistleblower: Danny Haszard Bangor Maine Jehovah's Witnesses are the 'perfect storm' of deception-in a word they are the cult of Innuendo

  • Priest73
    Any other personal experiences about how you broke reality to your wife?

    I'm guessing you failed. again.

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    "I'm guessing you failed. again."

    Wow - now you're following jeep around and resurrecting three year old threads. I smell a man crush!

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