We should start a contest and see who stayed the least time "in", from baptism to being dfd.
Do you still remember the date of your baptism?
by JH 64 Replies latest jw friends
Well I was raised in the troof from the time I was born, and I didn't jump in the pool until I was 18.
I wanted to make sure I was doing it for the right reasons....
Where was the mainstream internet when I needed it the most?
Month and year but I'd have to look up the day in my "Lamp" book. The only time my baptism date mattered was one year when they were short on releases at the convention and you had to be baptized 25 years to get one. Woo!
sweet tee
I got
dupeddunked on - August 3, 1985 ! DFD August 1998 !sweet tee
(of the 'so glad I'm free' class)
I know it was a month or two before my 14th birthday in 1990.
It may have been Jan 13th or Feb 10th. I don't really remember anymore.
Nope. Cant even remember how old I was, but I know I was either 16, 17 or 18.
Happiest day of my life? I sometimes feel guilty about that. It never felt like anything to me.
Yep. 11/10/84. My best friend is inactive and we were baptized on the day. Every year I ask her "do you know what happened 20 years ago on this date". LOL She never remembers.
For many that date is when all started going wrong.
Raised JW. I was 14 when I got dunked. I think it was 1971, late june at a DC here in Portland Oregon, my hometown.
I guess I expected some sort of dove or some sort of special feeling to descend upon me. Instead I was wet, cold, and in front of 10's of thousands of people, and embarrased. No joy. Just... nothing.
I was totally out by 1977 - I think that was the year of my last Memorial. I stopped attending meetings in late 75 early 76.
So I was "in" not more than 6 years after baptism.
Personal Milestones in my spiritual life
1953 Arrived on earth in Spartanburg, SC
1957 Attended VBS in Copperas Cove, TX at age 4 where I learned about Jesus
1959 Parents inducted me into the Herbert W. Armstrong/ WWCoG version of Christianity
1971 Faded out of the WWCoG just before their big break-up into hundreds of splinter groups
1987 Friend of 10 years becomes a JW. I resist his urgings to attend the KH
January 28, 1990 Attend a KH for the first time and am impressed by da love they show me
September 1, 1990 Baptised into the spirit-directed organisation of JW's
December 15, 2004 DA'd myself because of UN/NGO and I wanted to worship Jesus as my Lord
January 16, 2005 Attended a bible-believing church for the first time in over 40 years
February 6, 2005 Baptised in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and became a true JW apostate
Darth Yhwh
No, I dont remember. I would say that it was at a summer district convention between the years of 1989 and 1991. I thought that it was earlier than that but I just cant recall.