Morty Broke her wrist .

by orangefatcat 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • orangefatcat

    I was chatting with morty, aka michele and she told me the reason we haven't seen her in JWD is because the sweet girl fell down the stairs and broke her wrist and sustained brusises and cuts to her body. So she has ask me, orangefatcat to let everyone know that she is recuperating and hopes to join the ranks here soon.

    Morty, you rest well and have your family take real good care of you. and also it is Morty's birthday on the 21st of August. You need your rest so your at your best for you Birthday.

    So Morty your message is posted. Hopefully someone in your area could come by and visit with you to make sure your taking good care of your self, as we all miss you in JWD.

    all my love


  • Valis


    Morty get well soon!

  • BrendaCloutier

    What's going on with all these broken bones?

    Morty - hon, take good care and Heal! fast.



  • kls

    I am getting ascared to move Morty ,hope you heal soon and take care .

  • orangefatcat

    So like Monkey, I didn't know you were planning to move and I thought you told me everything. Your slipping and its from the poop in your monkey cage..


  • kls
    Your slipping and its from the poop in your monkey cage..


    Ahh well actually, it would be from the water after my wonderful bubble bath,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,DO YOU KNOW THAT WORD BATH

  • Elsewhere
  • delilah

    Morty......hope the wrist heals hon.....take it easy. We miss you...


  • Es

    get better soon morty and happy birthday when it comes es

  • morty


    I am so sorry that I did not respond to this thread...I had no idea it had been posted...

    Thanks OFC for getting the word out and being so concerned....You have a heart of gold

    And to the rest of you that have e-mailed me and called, I appreciate all your thoughful words...

    I will get around to replying to my e-mails shortly, I promise...

    Life has definitely been challenging for me lately, but I know I will get through it...I know that there are others worse off then me and I should really just count my blessings and be more grateful for what I do have rather then moaning about what I dont have...

    I have not been around for a while but I want you all to know that I really do miss keeping up with the board...Once this wrist is a little bit more better and I dont have to "hen peck" as much, I will be back to my old self and not shut

    Thank you again from the bottom of my heart....It means a great deal to me...


    Love Morty

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