WARNING: This post may be damaging to your biases.
It seems to me that the "danger" the Witnesses pose to larger society is, well, pretty damn small. Just think about it: The Witnesses are almost not involved in politics at all, except the occassional "freedom of religion and speech" issues they take to various courts, issues I am happy to support the Witnesses in, even if I strongly disagree with their beliefs. You will not see JWs supporting banning abortions or gay marriages or a whole host of other civil liberties and freedoms that Evangelicals rally around like the village people searching for Frankenstein's monster.
In the school system the JWs will not support creationism or intelligent design, even though they pretty much agree with those causes, since they are "no part of the world" and are too busy passing out cheesy magazines to people that will, in all likelihood, never even read them, let alone actually become Witnesses.
So, in politics and education the Witnesses pretty much are non-entities, or peripherally a force for good (in the "just like Larry Flynnt promoted free speech" force for good).
Medicine? Hell, if the doctor said it didn't matter one way or the other whether I had surgury with a blood transfusion or bloodless surgury I would choose the latter. You have to admit, the JWs have helped to promote better medicinal practices.
So, when it comes to greater society -- which, of course, is far and away mostly people who have never been JWs -- the Witnesses pose no real threat at all. None. Nada. They are not even on the radar screen. Booooorrrrrinng.
It's only on the micro-level -- on current JWs and ex-JWs -- that the Watcthower can have a negative effect. And, even then, I sometimes wonder where some JWs would be if they didn't have a worldwide organization telling them how to sneeze. Some people are better off in a cult. Ouch.