In the 'subject' line of my e-mails to the churches, I typed: "Jehovah's Witnesses/Watchtower Society are Being Sued by Victims of Child Molesters."
Then, I started my message:
PLEASE, I am asking for your help in
alerting members of your congregation
that Jehovah's Witnesses, unless required by individual state laws, do NOT report known child molesters to the proper secular authorities. Innocent children, too often, are 'made to suffer' in their attempts to keep such issues hush-hush within their own ranks...with little, or no offering(s) of 'help' for such hurting victims. Typically, members of local Kingdom Halls of Jehovah's Witnesses don't even learn that they have a known, or suspected child molester in their midst.
Such vile persons may be knocking on the doors of your church members...or be their neighbors. You see, Jehovah's Witnesses have a 'policy' that it takes TWO witnesses to an accusation of wrong doing, UNLESS the guilty party actually admits his transgression - not very likely to happen as you might surmise!
For, what molester would dare practice his grievious, fiendish acts in front of 'two witnesses???'
Please take some time to look at the following links (Here I put all the newspaper article links as well as Silentlambs' link.)
I also mentioned the upcoming Dateline program when I e-mailed the various newspapers, hoping it would be an 'encouragement' for them to jump on the bandwagon prior to the program airing...but have had only the one reply, so far. Not giving up though...will be sending any further updates re this tragic issue.
Hope this helps.