Becoming a woman...

by Rubyvixen 64 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ezekiel3

    Yep the book was Your Youth - Getting the Best Out of It.

    Here is a quote for the young ladies, any other requests from thsi book will be happily provided:


    yy chap. 4 pp. 33-35 Moving into Womanhood ***




    The physical changes of adolescence may bring emotional changes. Even as a young girl may feel full of energy one minute and exhausted the next, so too her emotions may tend to fluctuate widely. Periods of brightness and joy may be quickly followed by periods of gloom and depression. You may find yourself wondering if you are really normal or just what kind of person you are turning out to be. Especially in the modern industrial society, with its shifting sets of values, adolescent girls are subject to tension and uncertainty.


    It would be easy to give in to this instability, become withdrawn, introverted, or become very independent and assertive. Some girls do give in to displays of rudeness, flashes of bad temper or coarse speech. Others begin to make a pretense of being something they are not, becoming superficial. But this does not help; it only worsens matters. Now that you are coming out of childhood, it is a time to make a serious personal effort to cultivate the fruits of God’s spirit—love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness and self-control.


    Cultivate, too, habits that contribute toward stability. Instead of letting your room become messy, keep it orderly and neat. Strive for regularity in sleeping and eating habits; your developing body needs all the help you can give it. The more you can do along these lines, the more calm and stable you will feel, and this will help to moderate your emotional experiences.


    By all means do not let this period of transition cause you to pull away from your parents. They can provide the solid help and reliable firmness you need to lean on so as to keep your balance during this time of change. While you are subject to much "peer pressure"—pressure from others of your age to be like them—realize that they themselves are changing. That is why what pleases them today may not please them at all tomorrow. To be overly concerned about what they think of you will only increase your problems. That is why, too, when you have personal, intimate questions, your parents are by far the better source of information. They can give you a much fuller, more balanced answer than your schoolmates could ever give.


    Just as early showers are followed by pretty flowers, so, too, if you learn to weather the storm and take things in your stride, you will find the way to stability and confidence. While you should be concerned about keeping yourself physically well and clean (by good diet and regular hygiene), you need to concentrate—not so much on what you are on the outside—but on what you are on the inside. The adornment of a "quiet and mild spirit" produced by the ‘secret person of your heart’ is what will make you truly attractive—in the eyes of God and of humans.—1 Peter 3:3, 4.
  • PaulJ
    I cannot imagine any female actually living like that! and yet, I am sure many lived their lives in such way...yikes

    its victorian-age type expected behavior. The fact that JW's like to spew this stuff is total bollocks IMO

  • ezekiel3

    And this (notice the complete lack of scriptural references):


    yy chap. 5 pp. 35-36 Masturbation and Homosexuality ***




    and Homosexuality

    ISN’T it remarkable how the bodies of boys and girls develop during adolescence so that they can either father children or give birth to them? Along with this physical transformation of your body, there is usually a change in your attitude toward the opposite sex. An attraction grows, and often boys develop a keen interest in girls, and girls in boys. But, at the same time, you may have a certain wonderment and curiosity about your own rapidly changing body. How should you satisfy this curiosity? Should you experiment with your sex organs? Is there anything wrong with rubbing them in some way until the excitement is climaxed?


    This practice is called masturbation. It is very common. One authority on the subject says: "Every serious statistical study that we have shows clearly that . . . at least ninety-five per cent of boys and young men between thirteen and twenty-five years of age pass through periods of habitual masturbation of varying lengths." As for girls, this source says that "forty to fifty per cent are found to actually masturbate." Some people say that these figures prove "normalcy" and that the "absence of masturbation in a healthy youth is a matter of concern."


    Now, what do you think? Do you agree that, because in today’s world masturbation is a very common thing, this makes it a natural, normal function of the body? Lying and stealing are also common today. Yet you wouldn’t say this makes them natural and proper, would you? The "common" cold is quite universal, but this certainly doesn’t mean that you want it, does it? Then what about the claim that masturbation is harmless?


    From a physical standpoint, the majority of doctors say that occasional masturbation is harmless. Like most psychiatrists, they say that damage comes only if the practicer has feelings of guilt that cause mental and emotional disturbance, these, in turn, producing physical upset. But doctors and psychiatrists are imperfect humans, subject to error, and their views change. There is, though, a source of counsel that young people can turn to that is stable and free from error or misjudgment. That is God’s Word. And if we want, not just longer life, but everlasting life in God’s favor, we should seek his wisdom and counsel. He can do for us and for our happiness what men could never do.
  • PaulJ
    As for girls, this source says that "forty to fifty per cent are found to actually masturbate."

    hahaha.... that has to be nonsense... i rekon they just dont like to admit it....

  • googlemagoogle

    One authority on the subject


  • PaulJ
    damage comes only if the practicer has feelings of guilt that cause mental and emotional disturbance

    But surely the material from the GB made you feel like that anyway...

    There is, though, a source of counsel that young people can turn to that is stable and free from error or misjudgment. That is God’s Word

    If youre feeling horny, just pick up the bible. (i wouldnt recommend song of solomon tho...)

  • googlemagoogle

    If youre feeling horny, just pick up the bible.

    that would make a good title for a kingdub melody...

    ~there is a book with many many pages, if you feel horny, juhust pick it up...~

  • PaulJ
    that would make a good title for a kingdub melody

    they could play it a kindom weddings...

  • prophecor

    A Christian girl will learn to resist such familiarities by young men in such a gracious way as not to create offence, but rather an increased respect. You may ask why this responsibility rests more heavily upon a young woman than it does a young man. The fact that a young woman’s physical reflex mechanisms are not so quickly aroused as those of a young man, implies greater self-control on her part, and therefore greater responsibility for maintaining proper standards in her relations with the opposite sex.

    What kind of psychotic psychobabble bullshit is this?

    He can put out but she cant? WTF is this for real?

  • PaulJ
    He can put out but she cant? WTF is this for real?

    oh yes!!!!!!

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