I was having trouble sleeping the other night and switched the TV on to BBC 2. There was a programme on about the SW region of Africa and a country called Namibia. Early in the 20th Century Namibia was under the control of the German colonialists. The Germans were rather keen on getting more land for themselves as there were a couple of large tribes of black peoples living in Namibia. Anyway, they decided to pick on one particular tribe to start with. They captured them and put them into slavery, building railways etc. The records showed that half of the slaves given to the rail road company died each year because of how badly they were fed and treated. Others they transported, Yes, transported, to Shark Island which was a huge concentration camp, Yes 'Concentration Camp' was what it was called, and they were gradually murdered. Medical experiments were carried out on the inmates and measurements taken of their heads and brains to 'prove' they were of a lesser race and not as 'good as' the Aryan race!
Thousands of bodies lie buried in mounds and these mounds can be seen from the air.
When they had finished with the first tribe they started on the next tribe, known to the Germans as the Hotentots.
This was going on up until at least 1909.
There is nothing new under the sun. Hitler was not the first and did not come up with this ideas of his own volition.
The words 'transports' and 'concentration camp' and 'Aryan superiority' did not belong to Hitler's immagination, the Germans had orchestrated these horrific atrocities before. Perhaps because these poor people were black, we did not find out about their fate until recently, or perhaps because the story just got lost in the mists of time, after all, in 1914 WW 1 did break out.
But, I used to think, even though I was an excellent A student at History that it was irrelevant subject. I'm beginning to think that it may be one of the most important subjects in the world of academia.
Watch those Germans!!!