avishai, the website you linked to seems quite silly. rather arbitrary lines for what is abuse and what isn't. its entirely a myth that women don't abuse men. interesting article for later. Riding the Donkey Backwards: Men as the Unacceptable Victims of Marital Violence
however, personality disorders aren't fun. i'm sure they aren't fun if you have them, but certainly not much fun if you live with someone like this. the constant message of, "i hate you don't leave me". I recall once before a meeting she told me, "i shouldn't even bother going since my worship was in vain (by not staying behind to comfort her)"
my father told me to go back to that relationship because "shes going to all the meetings now". it seems so silly in retrospect, but so much emotional anguish at the time.
he believed my leaving was due to an "emotional disturbance", which i'm sure he'll also chalk up my leaving the organization to as well. funny, the ways we ignore, justify and minimize dissonant views to hang on to our failing belief structures.
he can't see why i wouldn't want to go back to that relationship. its interesting, both him and the elders told me to go back, and, if there was the slightest problem, to call the elders IMMEDIATELY. such an odd thing, to go back and have the fear of the elders coming over to keep her in line. i didn't want a relationship built on fear. the elders didn't really seem to see a problem with a relationship built upon fear. maybe a blind spot there?