Um... the generation change WAS compared and contrasted. There was a Watchtower study on that very subject. I know, because I was the reader for that day... and remember thinking how stupid this was and how it made no sense.
But of course the study lesson had the answer for that as well "if you have trouble accepting it, just take it on faith and don't worry about it"
Faith is such a convenient way of controlling people.
If New Light (TM) is so important...
by Elsewhere 29 Replies latest jw friends
I do remember that CinemaBlend. It made no sense to me either! I didn't understand what they were trying to say at all. I went home thinking that I should try to study the article more, but it wouldn't have mattered how many times I studied it, it would still have been a bunch of goobledegook. I had a real "This is just stupid" moment.
the generation change WAS compared and contrasted. There was a Watchtower study on that very subject....remember thinking how stupid this was and how it made no sense.
I remember the study...and thinking how it didn't make sense. Since so many JWs don't even know of the change or understand the change, I would dare to say that it wasn't compared or contrasted very well. They skimmed over it, like every other WT study and we were left to accept what we were told.
Notice how we all understand it better now? 'Cause we have done a better job of contrasting and comparing on our own than we did while still in.
I remember the WT article. I had this overwhelming feeling of dissapointment. But I quickly assimilated the "new light" like a good JW boy. Now it just seems like a joke to me. Just one more mistake in a century long list of mistakes. When you step back and look at it, it becomes so clear that God does not work that way. The entire "new light" concept is one more part of the WTS's apostasy. It's as if they're saying that God forgot to give us everything we need in scripture, and he's too dumb to give it all to us now.....he has to keep changing his mind. It's apostasy pure and simple! I just really feel sorry for all the good people who are trapped inside.
Gary I feel your pain on the whole guitar issue. There where lots of people at my old hall who would become my "friend" when they needed free electrical work. Then just stop calling after I had helped them. The elder body was real good about that. One time I had to stay home sick from a meeting (and I was SICK). All of a sudden the phone started ringing, the air conditioning had gone out at the hall, and could I come over and look at it? They called me like 4 times, so I finally dragged myself over to look at. I'm sure to this day that the elders told themselves that I had been faking sickness. He couldn't make it to a meeting, but he could come and work? they said to themselves.....
I remember the WT article. I had this overwhelming feeling of dissapointment. But I quickly assimilated the "new light" like a good JW boy. Now it just seems like a joke to me. Just one more mistake in a century long list of mistakes. When you step back and look at it, it becomes so clear that God does not work that way. The entire "new light" concept is one more part of the WTS's apostasy. It's as if they're saying that God forgot to give us everything we need in scripture, and he's too dumb to give it all to us now.....he has to keep changing his mind. It's apostasy pure and simple! I just really feel sorry for all the good people who are trapped inside.
Gary I feel your pain on the whole guitar issue. There where lots of people at my old hall who would become my "friend" when they needed free electrical work. Then just stop calling after I had helped them. The elder body was real good about that. One time I had to stay home sick from a meeting (and I was SICK). All of a sudden the phone started ringing, the air conditioning had gone out at the hall, and could I come over and look at it? They called me like 4 times, so I finally dragged myself over to look at. I'm sure to this day that the elders told themselves that I had been faking sickness. He couldn't make it to a meeting, but he could come and work? they said to themselves.....
I have known 8 year pioneers who didn't know the Bible is only written to the anointed, that Jesus is only the mediator to the anointed, and that only the anointed have the command to preach.
If you want to hide something from a Jehovah's Witness, put it in the Watchtower magazineI've seen this first hand with my buddy Johnny. He is a pretty bright fellow who pays attention to Watchtower articles and has been an active JW since about 1958. Even he refused to believe any of the above mentioned doctrines.
Can you post the articles that uphold the things you mentioned? That would be a GREAT BOON to the rest of us.
I'd vote for number 9 out of Blondie's list, "Other"
Anyone that thinks they can explain the "Generation change" needs to go back to school and take a remedial English class. (With emphasis on what role temporal prepositions play in a sentence.)
Whenever I ask my JW friend to show me where the book of Proverbs mentions "new light" he gets a really pained look on his face then changes the subject.
(Proverbs 4) 4 Listen, O sons, to the discipline of a father and pay attention, so as to know understanding. 2 For good instruction is what I certainly shall give to YOU. My law DO not leave. 3 For I proved to be a real son to my father, tender and the only one before my mother. 4 And he would instruct me and say to me: “May your heart keep fast hold of my words. Keep my commandments and continue living. 5 Acquire wisdom, acquire understanding. Do not forget, and do not turn aside from the sayings of my mouth.
14 Into the path of the wicked ones do not enter, and do not walk straight on into the way of the bad ones. 15 Shun it, do not pass along by it; turn aside from it, and pass along. 16 For they do not sleep unless they do badness, and their sleep has been snatched away unless they cause someone to stumble. 17 For they have fed themselves with the bread of wickedness, and the wine of acts of violence is what they drink. 18 But the path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established. ,
*** w79 4/1 31 Questions from Readers ***
At a time when God was selecting those to be taken into that new covenant, the apostle Paul wrote that Christ was the “one mediator between God and men.” (1 Tim. 2:5) Reasonably Paul was here using the word “mediator” in the same way he did the other five times, which occurred before the writing of 1 Timothy 2:5, referring to those then being taken into the new covenant for which Christ is “mediator.” So in this strict Biblical sense Jesus is the “mediator” only for anointed Christians.
"Only this organization functions for Jehovah's purpose and to his praise. To it alone God's Sacred Word, the Bible, is not a sealed book." (The Watchtower; July 1, 1973, pp. 402.)
"Thus the Bible is an organizational book and belongs to the Christian congregation as an organization, not to individuals, regardless of how sincerely they may believe that they can interpret the Bible." (The Watchtower, Oct. 1, 1967. p. 587.) -
Paradise Restored, 1972 chap. 9 p. 157 Growth and Protection of God’s Capital Organization
24 The postwar year of 1919 C.E. found a remnant of the spiritual Israelites surviving on the earth and eagerly desiring to preach “this good news of the kingdom” world wide as a witness to all the nations. (Matthew 24:14) In that faithful remnant the heavenly New Jerusalem under Christ was represented. Because of what they represented on earth, these spiritual Israelites were the ones who were obligated to respond to the rousing prophetic command: “Arise, O woman, shed forth light, for your light has come and upon you the very glory of Jehovah has shone forth. For, look! darkness itself will cover the earth, and thick gloom the national groups; but upon you Jehovah will shine forth, and upon you his own glory will be seen. And nations will certainly go to your light, and kings to the brightness of your shining forth. And to you the sons of those afflicting you must go, bowing down; and all those treating you disrespectfully must bend down at the very soles of your feet, and they will have to call you the city of Jehovah, Zion of the Holy One of Israel.
*** w57 12/1 p. 732 The Loved Woman of the Superlative Song ***
36 Since that nightmare of an experience the remnant, like the Shulammite in her dream, have given public evidence unashamed that they are lovesick for their heavenly Bridegroom. By going out in obedience to their Shepherd’s command to preach the Kingdom good news to all the inhabited earth for a witness they have served notice, especially upon Christendom, that they love the Shepherd-Bridegroom: “I have put you under oath, O daughters of Jerusalem, that, if you find my dear one, you should tell him that I am lovesick.” They want to gather his sheep, that such gathered sheep may be as written “letters of recommendation” testifying to their undying love for him. (2 Cor. 3:1-3) Persons of good will wonder and ask why the remnant want them to seek Christ and to show in themselves the result of the loving witness work of the remnant: “How is your dear one more than any other dear one, that you have put us under such an oath as this?”—Cant. 5:8, 9.