JWs are not a cult................

by vitty 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • daystar


    Ummm... the Cult Awareness Network was purchased by a group of Scientologists not long ago and is now a cult apologist organization. They're anti-anti-cult.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    I didn't realize it was EXACTLY a cult (!!!) until I was well out of it. It's difficult to recognize what's outside the path ahead of you when you have "blinders" on.


  • thom

    ---"No one in a cult believes they are in a cult."---
    So true. I remember seeing a survivor of the Waco fire being asked if she still thought Koresh was Christ (or whatever it was he claimed to be). Her answer was, "I'm not sure".
    When I was a JW I thought how lucky I was to have been born into it. How I was one of the few that would survive Armageddon, how if I wasn't exposed to it as a child, I would never have taken to it. It's exactly that idea that started me thinking that no, I never would take to it and neither would 99% of the rest of humanity. It was then I realized that my faith was just based on the common thinking we all have of "that won't happen to me", that somehow we're different than everyone else. I realized that I was just like everyone else, took for granted what I was told as a child and never bothered to think that maybe it was wrong.

  • Gadget
    To those of you that may think that the Watchtower is not a cult please consider this quote from the book "Seductive poison" ( this is the biography of Deborah Layton who managed to escape Jonestown)

    The quote reads as follows:

    "When our own thoughts are forbidden, when our questions are not allowed and our doubts are punished, when contacts and friendships outside of the organization are censored, we are being abused for an end that never justifies its means. When our heart aches knowing we have made friendships and secret attachments that will be forever forbidden if we leave, we are in danger. When we consider staying in a group because we cannot bear the loss, disappointment, and sorrow our leaving will cause for ourselves and those we have come to love, WE ARE IN A CULT."


  • dedpoet

    When I was in i would never have accepted that i was part of a cult, although many of my friends and family outside the borg told me i was. It's only when you leave and start looking at the teachings objectively that you realise how much of a cult the borg really is.

  • mjarka911

    Absolutey! When you change your views based on the latest WT magazine flip/flop; when you sacrafice family for senseless restrictions; when you are ready to allow your children to die to adhere to the latest rendition of the no blood policy (like allowing almost all the components themselves; but not blood)...sorry to tell you, but: YOU ARE IN A CULT!!!!

  • Confession


    Ummmm...Yes, I know that happened. But I'm talking about the mid-nineties--when they were not then hijacked by the Scientologists.

  • kid-A

    Never really 'felt' like a cult when I was in it, but was always embarassed to tell anybody I was in it because they invariably had the idea that it was a cult. I could only

    see it for what it was once I was totally free, but I guess that is part of the definition of a cult..

  • Purza

    Remember when that WT came out that said "Are JW's a Cult" and then it defined all the reasons they weren't a cult? What a relief that was for me. *sarcasm intended* I used to carry copies of that WT around with me in service in case anyone ever said at the doors that JWs were a cult. I would whip that magazine out and give it to them. No one ever discussed that topic with me so all was for naught.


  • sunshine2

    I always heard people saying the JW's are a cult.....my reply was a cult is a religous group that follows a human leader, a sect is a splintergroup aof a mainstream religion and we are neither.....well now that I am thinking more clrealy, I do believe that religions that INTERPRET scripture and force it onto it's members for the risk of disfellowshipping is a cult. Because now people do not follow Christ or God, but the ones that do the interpreting....the GB.

    So yeah, it's a cult, but if it makes the members of it happy so be it. I'm happy on the outside!

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