Hi TS. Pardon me, but my thought was along the same line as Danny, and Dan you have an excellent point, I was thinking, however, that to make my searching for a sister a little less suspect as to my primary motivation in the first place, I would pioneer, presenting myself to the community as a spiritual brother, worthy of some of the best of the flocks attention.
After raising the stakes in the game, hoping to have the cream rise to the top, I could skim off the best pickings, taking the focus off my primary objective, the seeking of a mate. It only appeared that I was spiritually minded. I was only using pioneering as a means to an end. I just happened to hook up with a sister in the long and short of it, though. It's not a date, it's definitely not a date.
I mean, how much more legitimate does my hooking up need to be, especially if she's a pioneer as well? We go out in field service together, we both have to make our hours so it's an excellent excuse as to why we're spending all this time together. I look forward, even more, to going out in service because, Sister Imahottientutoo, (Yes she is Afrikaner, can't you tell by the name?) will always be there at group, anxiouly waiting to disemenate all manner of precious truths to the neighboring community. I get a chance to take the group out on a regular basis, we spend time in the field, fudging numbers.
Later on, after getting the usual no responses from the community, as most folks are at work, or those who are not, are asleep or already know it's the witnesses, ignore us anyway. The group begins to die off, they've made their quota of 2 hours, its getting hot, and suddenly, it's just me and Sister Imahottientutoo. We can leisurely do the JW stroll down our favorite busy street, holding out our magazines as we walk and talk. Occasionally, offering our back issues of the Watchtower and the Awake to an unsuspecting public, were having no conversations about anything really spiritual. I'm able to give Sister Imahottientutoo an ocassional " Dayummmm girl, you are just too fine for words " look. I have an opportunity to date, without it being blatantly obvious that it's a date, and then.................