Hi Dunscott,
The more I read your posts the more I feel you must be taking the p.
by dunsscot 25 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Dunscott,
The more I read your posts the more I feel you must be taking the p.
Dear Stephanus,
You remind me of the famed poet, Virgil. Like Virgil, you can find a dark cloud in every silver lining.
:Duns is really trying hard to be a smartarse today, Jerry. In many Greek fonts, Q is used to represent theta (the "th") in Greek.:
Most inet forums that deal with Greek employ this transliteration scheme. Nothing smart-alecky about it.
:As for your nice experience Duns, a pity it wasn't one of substance, like someone from the KH inviting you home for lunch and a pleasant afternoon of just sitting and chatting. Everyone's too busy with the works for salvation program to just sit and smell the flowers from time to time, I imagine.:
You're right: you imagine. I can see that your Virgilian tendencies have now come to the fore. But you're worse than Virgil. You play the game of tails-I-win and heads-you-lose. If my friend would have invited me home for lunch, you would have asked why he did not ask me an in-depth spiritual question. But since he asked me a grammatical question and we had a nice basic discussion on Greek syntax and the implications thereof, you asked why he did not invite me home. You need to read Covey's _7 Habits_ Steph. Its supposed to be win/win.
Duns the Scot
No I wouldn't Dunscot. I find time with friends and family more spiritual than selling magazines from door to door or wowing elders with one's superior knowledge, period!
As for your bringing up this John 1:1 thing, I did so days ago, to show how behind the times your own people can be:
(Did you smear your elder's books with earwax, BTW?)
And Covey is a Dub in good standing, is he? One of those 7 habits wouldn't be a willingness to re-evaluate one's position in the light of failure, now, would it?
Q: How do you know a Dub loyal to "Jehovah's Organisation" is lying?
A: Their lips are moving.
You chuckled -
I do not want to blow my own horn
I chuckle back -
Why should you want to destroy the habit of a lifetime?
"In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king."
- Jan
Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel. [Ambrose Bierce, The DevilĀ“s Dictionary, 1911]
If you're not showing off, Duns, then why didn't you use the more commonly accepted "th" for theta? The fact that someone not versed in Greek and its display in computerised formats had to ask the question shows that you are not speaking plainly.
I'll now take your bait and get around to what you were obviously trying to get happening here. Please do tell us about your wonderful insight on the use of "pros" and the accusative case, rather than "sun" with the dative, if "with" is the correct English form of what John was trying to say.
Q: How do you know a Dub loyal to "Jehovah's Organisation" is lying?
A: Their lips are moving.
:No I wouldn't Dunscot. I find time with friends and family more spiritual than selling magazines from door to door or wowing elders with one's superior knowledge, period!
As for your bringing up this John 1:1 thing, I did so days ago, to show how behind the times your own people can be:
(Did you smear your elder's books with earwax, BTW?)
I have never sold magazines from door to door in my life. Have you ever tried it, steph? Can you tell me about your experiences? I guess you've also never wowed elders with your "knowledge" either. Hmmm . . . wonder why?
I concur with you on John 1:1. After all, you know what Origen of Alexandria said about drunkards when he evidently quoted brother Solomon who was quoting . . . :-)
:And Covey is a Dub in good standing, is he? One of those 7 habits wouldn't be a willingness to re-evaluate one's position in the light of failure, now, would it?
I read plenty of authors who are not "dubs" in "good standing." As long as they are upbuilding and positive as opposed to being negative and insalubrious, I can dig them.
BTW, the seven habits are:
1) Being proactive
2) Beginning with the end in mind
3) Put first things first
4) Think win/win
5) Seek first to understand, then to be understood
6) Synergize
7) Sharpen the saw
Duns the Scot
He asked you a question. How is this a nice story or experience? How is this not an obvious and pathetic attempt to toot your own horn as it were? Very amusing. :P
:He asked you a question. How is this a nice story or experience? How is this not an obvious and pathetic attempt to toot your own horn as it were? Very amusing. :P
It was a nice and upbuilding experience because I often crave some type of intellectual stimulation within the congregation. For once, I did not have to come and holler at youse guys to get it! An elder asked me about something I was really interested in. Got it?
Duns the Scot
Ok.....and why exactly tell us?? I mean besides the obvious reason that you subconsciously crave our approval and love.
P.S. (Is that a Tom cruise impersonation??? Gt it!! Got it!?!?!?!?!? get it?? GOT IT!!!!)