The last few months have been really tough for me there have been many problems with my fiances family and even with my fiance for that fact. Although things are fine now, im not happy i cant seem to get excited bout life. Im getting married in Nov, going to be trying for baby no 2 going to Fiji in you see i have lots to be excited bout but im just not. Im really quiet these days which isnt me, i dont find a lot to laugh at. The thing is im depressed when i really dont have a lot to be depressed about get me??? Everythings too hard at the moment sigh :( es
I think im depressed AGAIN!
by Es 42 Replies latest jw friends
When I get depressed I put on 1974's Jethro Tull recording "War Child." Maybe not your taste but it definitely lifts my spirits.
Thats the thing this time i dont know what to do to snap out of it and i dont want to go back on medication coz then im a zombie with no feelings or emotions. es
ES, don't be depressed, you'll be a JEDI tonight
HEHEh your wonderful JW big hug, alas my jedi may have to wait im waiting for a friend to pick me up we are going up to her farm for the weekend....maybe that will be all i need to kickstart myself again. es
i dont want to go back on medication coz then im a zombie with no feelings or emotions. es
Es, i have no idea what meds you were taking but i have taken Antidepressants for over 15 years and have never had that effect on me.
Maybe you are having a hard time because there is a lot going on in your life, Marriage is a big thing ,then trying for a baby . All this and even a vacation is a lot to deal with ,and maybe you are worrying about the future.
opps i meant JH
If you don't want to try meds again, maybe St.John's Wort or lavender etc? Have you looked into Herbal remedies? Maybe you are stressed about the upcoming wedding.
Es, I recently switched from Paxil to Lexapro. No bad side effects and it seems to work well. As opposed to Effexor and Cymbalta which were nightmares. Do you have a doc or another M.D. pro you can discuss this with?
Es, its not my business at all, but are you sure you want to marry this man? Maybe your subconscious is trying to tell you something....or maybe not. Perhaps its just pre-wedding jitters and worry about getting along with his flakey family. Hope you feel better about things soon. (((Hugs)))