Don't Isolate Yourself. You Could Become Demonized!

by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Ingenuous, That was a very good post! When you simply read their own words----it's SCARY.

  • upside/down

    So can I say.... "The deemunz made me not do it?"

    u/d(of the you gotta be kiddin me class)

  • minimus

    Yeah-------the demons made me miss the meetings, not go out in service and instead commit self-abuse.

  • katiekitten
    The hair of my flesh began to bristle.

    Shaving? Waxing? Cream? Electrolysis? Come on people, theres no need for this!

  • upside/down

    No No...I take full credit for my self-abuse!

    u/d(of the Devil made me not do it class)

  • minimus

    The poor demons are truly blamed for EVERYTHING! I feel bad for them.

  • rebel8
    disenchanted with Jehovah and his people and stop attending meetings faithfully. The article quotes Job 4:12-17 where Eliphaz has a vision and is really a false comforter to Job. The article states that the DEMONS gave Eliphaz this vision and through them, they gave false twisted counsel to faithful Job

    You better watch out, because that's what happened to me. I stopped attending meetings and eventually became possessed.

    I mentioned in a thread a few days ago that my family is saying I'm demon possessed. I wonder if it's because of this article.

    Anyone got a direct quote from the article? I'd love to see it. I would love to write a blurb on it for my web site.

  • minimus

    Where's Blondie, when you need her?

  • daystar

    But doesn't DFing cause even more isolation? They are casting people to the demons left and right then.

  • minimus

    D'fing is "discipline from Jehovah".

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