Well, I got a call today. As you may know, I am painting a couple of flats for my friend, who is into property management. The guy who owns the property I'm painting is quite impressed with my work. He wants to know if I will do some cleaning for him,,, 'damage deposit' cleans ...
Now, the damage deposit cleans are very lucrative work. However, he wants to pay me the hourly rate I am getting for interior painting ... which is fine, for now. Usually, I clean by contract, which works out at 15-20 bux an hour, because I am very good at it. I've seen the place he wants done, and it's an easy job, so I will take the $7/hour he is paying (yes, that's right folks, ain't capitalism great? as he goes out on his yacht and pays his peons starvation wages, but he is an okay guy, and I do like him in spite of his cheapness, for he is fair and good to work with) for a couple of cleaning jobs. Then, he can refer me to his friends who own properties, and they can hire me as a contract worker!
This morning, I saw my friends who sell their artwork at the Market. The wife is now designing some interiors for some wealthy folk she previously did cleaning work for (she is very talented! and used to teach jewellery making at the art college). So, she needs a contractor to work with her (she is designing tiled floors, amazing work), and has taken the number of my friend who hired me to paint as a 'finish man'. He finishes ... ie, builds decks, cupboards, lays tile, anything you need done, he is handy and good at what he does. Sooo,,, there is more work for him and me, perhaps. Networking is the way to go, peeps!
I already have another friend who is willing to work w/ me on the painting/cleaning, and he is reliable, fast and works like a dog! We can do quite well with this, as non-drunken (iow, reliable) painters and cleaners are hard to find.
Sooooo, with the craft co-operative slowly getting underway, and this side labour, things are definitely looking up in the 'talesin household'.
(btw, if anyone would like a 'theme quilt' designed and made, let me know )
Wanted to share this good news with you folk, just as I have shared the bad times. It's so good to get your encouragement when I need it, and I'm hoping that this will make one person's day, someone who built me up when I was down.
Thanks! from me and Blue.