President of the Defd fan club
by wanderlustguy 41 Replies latest jw friends
John Doe
I'm getting the picture of a spider spinning a web in my head, saying "Mwah ha ha! Come here my pretties." lol
I miss the little guy too. He was a sure thing for a lively discusion.
Come back! I'll be nice.
Come back defd
I still think it'd be cool to find out what hall he's at and show up one sunday...I can just imagine Valis in a suit...
I kinda miss old Grissom and myelaine, a couple of wing-nuts, but they were very entertaining....
I've got some perspective because I was defd at one time. I thought all of you 'postates were just a bunch of lyin, looney playa hatas. Folk like mr/ms defd need do be kept in line but in as kind a way possible. They know not what they do.
Come on back defd.
He now knows we arent the demon posessed death spewing creatures
S#it, i've got to try harder. Earnest effort, as they say.
S#it, i've got to try harder. Earnest effort, as they say.
Yea, if he's not here, who will you practice on? Everybody else knows about you and your highlighter fetish...
I like Defd too, but especially enjoyed watching everyone make the effort to wake him up. Better 'n cable.