It amazes me how Westernized people’s version of Christianity is. Mind you, I have only been exposed to the North American version of Christianity. What made me think of this was how people today find the practice of polygamy to be disgusting. Yet, many righteous men practiced polygamy with Jehovah’s approval.
Here is a sample of differences in modern-day Christian beliefs and the Bible:
Polygamy: The Bible only prohibits overseers from being polygamous.
However, there is no prohibition against your average lay Christian having multiple wives.
I made a page on polygamy a while ago. The URL is
Abortion: The Bible says nothing about abortion, Except for Exodus 21:22-24 as rendered in the NIV. Reading it closely...the reference to serious injury is to the MOTHER. If the baby miscarries and the mother is otherwise OK, a fine is levied. That’s it.
The commandment, “Thou shalt not kill.” does not apply to all situations. The Jews were allowed to kill in war, to execute people for certain crimes.
1Sam. 15:3 shows where God ordered the killing of infants. Why would he care about the unborn?
Obviously, the Bible is silent on the topic of abortion.
Slavery: Rightfully, Christians are against it. However, the Bible supports slavery and regulates it. Even in the NT, slavery is supported. For example, slaves were not allowed to escape, and if they did, were to return to their owner.