mmMMMmmmm Laulaus

by BrendaCloutier 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • BrendaCloutier

    So you're either saying "What the heck are laulaus" or "OMG! Laulaus!"

    Laulaus are classic Luau food. Lau means leaf, laulau is leaf leaf. Mine pictured here are taroleaf wrapped pork, then wrapped in banana leaf to keep the package together.

    Kalua pork is another Hawaiian delicacy. I wrap pork in banana leaf to keep it together and flavor it a bit.

    All are put into deep steamers - like you would use for steaming clams - with water and a teaspoon of liquid smoke.

    Bake 300 degrees for 4-6 hours and you have some totally onolicious food! (Ono is the Hawaiian word for tasty).

    Served with Japanese sticky rice and a side of mac salad, lomilomi salmon, and poi, and you have a contemporary classic hawaiian feast!

    Mmmmmmm Laulaus

    WLG - can you top that?

  • skyman

    I have tried it. I recommend.

  • BrendaCloutier

    Not living in Hawaii - yet - I've learned to make my own. These will go into the freezer for future reference this winter!

  • delilah

    AWWwwww I couldn't see the pics!!!! But, it sure sounds delicious... Hey Brenda, are we invited for din-din????? I'll bring something yummy to drink??!!


  • BrendaCloutier
  • delilah

    Thanx for the site Brenda.....yup, they look rather intriguing.....

  • sonnyboy

    Now we need to see the inside...

  • BrendaCloutier

    I'll post a pic of my dinnerplate tonight.... will that do Sonny?

    Planned dinner:

    Laulaus with japanese sticky rice, mac salad, cucumber vinegar salad

    Dang why do they have to take 4-6 hours in the oven! My mouth is watering!

  • DannyBloem

    Looks very delicious.

    Never been in Hawaii, but they eat something very similar in other polynesian islands. (and in some parts of asia as well).

    Thanks for sharing (well at least the pictures, not the food )


  • sonnyboy

    That sounds good. I luves me some pork.

    I'm not in the mood for anything I've got to eat and I don't feel like going out. I was thinking about cooking a couple ribeyes on the grill, but I'm not in red meat I ran out of steak sauce last week.

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