Just watched "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" on a two-disc DVD purchased at Target. Among the numerous extras are: a very well done animated version of the "We're the knights of the round table....." vaudeville musical number using sets and characters entirely constructed from Lego pieces (including the poor fellow in the dungeon, clapping his hands to the music); the scene with the French knights "taunting" the British knights, with Japansese dialogue and English subtitles (the translations are hysterical), sing alongs, including the lyrics to the scene with monks chanting and smiting themselves with boards, and too much else to mention. I haven't laughed so hard since I saw the movie the first time.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail: Hilarious extras on the DVD!
by gaiagirl 17 Replies latest social entertainment
Never heard of this movie - what's it about?
Pope -
Never heard of this movie - what's it about?
I can't believe there's anyone in the civilized world who hasn't heard of this movie (OK, so I'm occasionally given to hyperbole). It's one of the funniest movies I've ever seen, possibly my all-time favorite comedy. It's Monty Python's (I assume you've heard of them?) take on the King Arthur legend. You MUST rent this movie immediately and watch it. And pay attention to the credits...
e a es dos dominae, dominae ees requiem, plunk!!!
Pope, I'm surprised you don't know this flick. You will love it!!!
Killer rabbits!
Well maybe I'll rent it when I get my DVD player fixed. A moose bit it, you see.
Moose bites can be very nasty..
Pope -
Low-Key Lysmith
This thread makes me want to cut down a tree wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiith.......a herring.
My sister was bitten by a moose once....
Ni! Ni! Fetch me a . . . SHRUBBERY!!!
You know, the latest Broadway hit is "Spamalot," a musical based on Holy Grail, and my boss got me a copy of the CD. A lot of the songs are lifted straight out of the movie, and there's one from "Life of Brian" -- "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life."
Their irreverent humor is wonderful. It makes me want . . . want . . . to SING.
Never mind.
My DVD of this cracked on the inside (you know, in the centre area). I can still play it, but that's annoying and I don't know how it got that way.
And the annoying thing is that I paid 38$ for it, and it's now 17$.