Is there anyone out there who used to attend the KH and now attends a church?
Transition from Kingdom Hall to Church
by findingmyway 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yes. I do. Why do you ask?
Yes. It wasn't what I was told it would be like either. Do you attend church FMW?
Yes, i did for about two yrs. I went to mainly pentacostal ones. Enjoyed it, until i found out about the bible.
Yep! I was an elder and now I consider myself successfully faded.
I have attended several churches and really like the Calvary Chapel. You can check them out on the web and see if there is one near you.
At present, I attend another church that is closer to me.
People who go to church are not the demonized hypocrites that the society tried to make us believe. I have experienced more kindness and love than I ever had attending the KH.
Well, occasionally, I attend church with my boyfriend. I'm df'd, and I haven't been to the KH in months and I didn't go to the District Convention and this past weekend I missed our "1-day assembly." When my mother asked me why, I told her that I didn't know about it and my son and I were out of town anyway. Truth is, even if I knew about it and I was in town, I wouldn't have gone. I just can't stomach going to the KH, assemblies and conventions.
Although, it was a bit creepy for me the first couple of times, I do, enjoy fellowshipping at my boyfriend's church. My hurdle is that I have an 8 year old (who enjoys going to the KH) who I would like to take with me to church. But I know that he will feel torn and confused. I still feel that way sometimes.
I like idea of having a place to worship. If my boyfriend and I ever get married, he will want everyone (including my son) in his household to attend church with him.
I shouldn't put the cart before the horse, but these are the types of things I think about. Can I really see myself doing the structured religion thing again? Can I see myself getting baptized, tithing, and participating in communion once a week? It makes me feel icky to think about it.
Is this a process? Will I ever overcome these taboos? Did you experience something similar?
Can I really see myself doing the structured religion thing again? Can I see myself getting baptized, tithing, and participating in communion once a week? It makes me feel icky to think about it.
I guess it's good to think about this before you marry the guy. It can take a few yrs to explore belief systems and find your place in them. Then again, your beliefs may be dynamic, ie, changing all the time. Having the freedom to do that is better than being locked into a religion. I mean, what if end up atheist in 2 yrs time?
S who is not an atheist
FMW you have a PM.
FMW you have a PM.
What's a PM?
I do and I love different from a stuffy kingdom hall and relaxing too...they have a children's ministry