My mother has basically told me that should I get DFed or leave the truth, that will be the end of my relationship with her.
Harsh words. Maybe your Mum is thinking of her OWN status in all of this. You leave and SHE will be bearing the consequences at the Hall. We are all selfish at times. I know what she said isn't right, but maybe you can re-inforce your feelings for her.
As a dub mother I said some things to my sons that I heartily regret now. When you believe this junk, you worry that your child won't make it into the fab new system (and right now she's existing with the "knowledge" that her husband won't be there either if all things stay the same), and she'll might end up in paradise all alone which would pretty much suck. You say horrible things hoping to guilt your child back into compliance with the borg. Some of it does have to do with how you are perceived by the congo (good dub parent vs crappy dub parent). It all stinks. I spent so many years worrying that my boys wouldn't "make it" before deciding that if they weren't going to be there, I didn't care if I was either.
Anyhow, hope this "check up" is just that and not some crummy JC. Good luck!
Hope for the best - prepare for the worst. I think you told me that one time for something else. I was DFed at 18, kicked out at 19 and I'm fine. It was hard as hell sometimes, but things really did work out for the best. I don't regret a thing. The biggest difference between you and me is that you've got an instant support network (us) and I had only worldly coworkers. (Which wasn't a bad thing either, but they didn't truly get it.) You may not be a praying type, but I'm praying for you.
Best regards from Danny in Maine all i can do is expose them on the info superhighway i made 5 new apostate blogs just today. I have made 30,000 post in just 3 years
If you or anyone has dub dirt they want put up email [email protected] we beat the bastards