Did anyone watch the Discovery Channel show this weekend on "scientific Adam"? I imagine it was a re-run, so maybe someone has watched it in the past. I found a blurb about it here: http://blogs.nationalgeographic.com/channel/blog/2005/06/explorer_adam.html.
I am far from being a scientist, but I have to say the entire show was disturbing. I thought the National Geographic had a good reputation. Now I'm not so sure.
The premise of the how was to find out if all humans were born of one man. They said that most of the people in Mongolia can be traced to Gengis Khan (not sure of the spelling there). They "proved" this by some genetic testing that was poorly explained. The conclusion drawn seemed to be quite a leap of faith. For example, they said Khan came with his soldiers and they all had children with the locals, but most ended up being offspring of Khan. How is that possible? Of all the hundreds (thousands?) of soldiers he brought, plus the native males, how did most of the kids end up being Khan's? Just glossed over that.
They took a skull and a pic of an Ethiopian's head and came up with a sculpture of what Adam's head would have looked like. That didn't even qualify as science to me.
Then they went about trying to prove people all came from one man. Again, the science presented was murky and the conclusions drawn suspect. Perhaps there was a good basis for the conclusions, but if so it was poorly explained. They said at the end that science and the bible agree, all came from one man. Yet a moment before, they said scientific Adam had less intelligent predecessors. How does that agree with the bible???