I snitched on a sister who used to spend a lot of supposed field service time in a local cafe, but she still counted the time. She was spoken to by a couple of elders and was never seen in that cafe again. Of all the things I did as a "loyal" JW, I feel worst about my snooping on this really nice lady.
by steve2 26 Replies latest jw friends
I ratted out a brother that bought pot off of my worldy husband.
I had sex with a MS's wife.
i stopped talking to my sister when she was defed. and the elders hailed me for that.
I stopped my brother from watching the music video of 'Boom! Shake the room!' by Will Smith because it was rap music.
Yeah, Will Smith is the most demonic of all the rap singers, LOL!!
I obeyed the speed limit religiously and in a self righteous manner to show I was 100% following the rules (obeying Caesar as the bible said).
I shunned my family (non-jw) during the holidays to avoid celebrating anything in order to make jehover proud.
Most of my stuff involves my kids...making a big issue out of construction paper totem poles made at school and other inane, inconsequential garbage like that.
One of the things I feel worst about wasn't something I actively said or did, it was a state of mind. There was a couple at my first KH who'd moved into the area from southern IL. They only had one child still at home, but I guess they'd raised a large family....none of their older kids became dubs and their remaining teenage son was very rebellious and also looked to be on his way out. I can remember looking down on them and congratulating myself that my kids were (generally) so well behaved at the KH. I must have been doing something so right because I was in control of my little family and my little world as we all happily served Jah. What a self-satisfied ignoramus. I knew nothing. When you have very young children, you have no clue what's in store for you when they become teens. In later years as I dealt with my own rebellious sons, I deeply regretted my smug, condescending attitude towards this couple .
I used to make a big self righteous deal about not going to the toilet in the middle of the meetings. I used to frown REAL HARD at people who went for a half time pee, and make them feel bad.
Also I wrote a horrible sanctimonius letter to my dad after he left the troof, and I was still in. It went along the lines of "I suppose you are going to deny the big A is coming soon, I suppose you are going to deny that all these earthquakes are signs of the times ...blah blah sanctimonious blah"
I did apologise recently. He couldnt remember it, thank god!
I used to make a big self righteous deal about not going to the toilet in the middle of the meetings. I used to frown REAL HARD at people who went for a half time pee, and make them feel bad.
Im sure there was one of you in every hall.
Paul of the weak bladdered class.....