Is this just one more example of the WTS preaching one thing but practicing another?
Sound, reasonable loving advice is currently being presented on their official website in regard to "Your Role as a Parent". But how can the average JW take this into consideration----
Experts believe that overscheduling children with countless adult-led activities could stifle their imagination and creativity.
----when they are supposed to be totally overscheduled themselves and are supposed to make their children a part of all their adult-led activities?...
3 meetings days/nights per week (5 hrs+travel and visiting time) to attend (with no childcare or children's activities), field service (at least 2 1/2 hrs per week), family study (1 hr per week), preparation for field service and all the meetings, work, school, homework)...
When do they get a chance to do this----
Other parents endeavor to balance reading with complementary activities—drawing, painting, playing music, camping, or family visits to places such as the zoo. These occasions can be used as opportunities to teach lessons and instill good moral values and behavior in a child’s impressionable heart and mind.
----without skipping meetings and field service here and there?
And why are they getting lectured for taking time out to recreate if the well-being of their children requires it? Or am I mistaken? Is it really possible for them to do and have it all?
How was it for you?