dammit. it rained all night. the river now went over it's bounds and the water is flowing on the street. thank dog i'm on a higher floor. and it won't stop raining...
erm... we are drowning!
by googlemagoogle 14 Replies latest jw friends
ha! just heard the kingdom hall is under water.. lol
Where are you from? Just heard on the news that there is massive flooding in Sweden.
Be careful, wherever you are!!!!
western austria. it's not that bad yet where i am, but there are some villages already cut off in the area. only hearing sirens all the time.
Be safe Google...
have You Seen My Mother
Take care, Google! Hope you have enough food and supplies in your apartment to wait out the flooding comfortably. (Awwww, too bad about the Kindom Hall. Boo Hoo!)
AAhh.. dont drown! Send some of your rain to Texas please.
ha! just heard the kingdom hall is under water.. lol
The Dubs will just use it as a photo op and try and get some free press of how loving and industrious they are.....some moron will actually conduct a meeting for field service, wearing hip waders, and say how THAT is the most important thing and even flooding can't stop them (hoping someone takes his picture)...then the 50 brothers with carpet cleaning/ restoration businesses will clamor over one another to do the work and bilk the insurance company out of as much as possible (oh wait floods aren't covered by most insurance) so they'll be doing freebees....scratch the 50 and make it 2. If insurance was involved there would definitely be a "mold remediation" problem and of course all the "allergic to lifer's" would need HEPA filters just to attend the meetings since Devil the Satan created spores just to persecute them...yada yada yada.... Shades of the new system....uuuggh! I never thought I'd see the day that I rejoiced over something bad happening to someone... that'll teach me to think...lol. u/d(of the stay warm and dry class)
That's awful! I hope you can swim. Keep your eyes peeled for a large ark floating by with loads of animals. That should keep you busy for a while.
i sent out a dove and it didn't come back. so i guess i can leave my ark again. ;-)
it was not all that bad, i live in a pretty secure area. waters have gone now, there's some cleaning up going on now. i think all the water has gone to vienna by now. but they are prepared for that.