I was asked to give a presentation to 40 employees who were visiting from Ireland, China, and Korea.
It was a tag team presentation and my partner was the CEO of North America. Boy was I excited and I really wanted to make a good impression.
Anyway, the presentation went really well and I felt very proud of myself as I stepped down from the speaking area.
Well i really need to pee pee badly so I literally ran out of the room to go to the bathroom. On the way there I was stopped by a collegue who asked me something about work. Almost ready to bust my bladder, I answered him quickly and preceeded directly to the Men's room.
As I get ready to get out my hose, the CEO runs into the bathroom behind me and says " you are still hooked up to the microphone" . Well I give him the mike, he leaves, I finish my business and I walk back into the room
When I enter the room, all forty people stand up and gives me a standing ovation for giving them the best laugh of their 2 week visit to the US.
Of course I have never lived that moment down, and now when ever I do a speaking engagemnet at the company, the running joke is to take my mike off as soon as I finish talking.