What Are Things That You Do NOW That You'd NEVER Do As A Witness?
by minimus 50 Replies latest jw friends
Pay for prostitutes
i watch the L word on shotime...
and i like it!
Celebrate Xmas!!!
Celebrate holiday's, have sex, smoke dope occasionally, smoked cigs (blah), think, read interesting books, make real friends, be happy.
Pay for prostitutes
Were they free before?
I smoke occasionally when I drink. I swear now and then, but I'm really working hard to change that. I sleep in on Saturdays. I actually enjoy CHURCH on Sundays...that's never happened as a JW! I watched Sex in the City on TV. I try to not judge people/situations too harshly without knowing the whole story. As a JW, all it took was a tiny piece of sixth hand gossip and I was completely comfortable lynching the person.
i watch the L word on shotime...
and i like it!
I am so with you on that one... season primiere Sept 1!! woo hoo!
I celebrate the holidays, I smoke (but will quit on 9/16), I enjoy talking about religion and enjoy the church I sometimes attend. I don't judge people by their beliefs or disbeliefs, I am free.
have an opinion, and voice it, on politics
smoke a cigar occasionally
have worldly friends
visit worldly relatives more often
give to charities
go to strip clubs occasionally
go to bars and clubs frequently
cuss like a sailor
go to r-rated movies at the theater (before I only rented them, lol)