Where Would You Live?

by Stephanus 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stephanus

    Thought sparked by another thread where I said I'd move to the US if I won the lottery: If you could move wherever you liked in the world (in this fantasy, all your material, intellectual, emotional and spiritual needs are taken care of so that you can make this move), where would it be, and what would be the basis for your decision?

    Q: How do you know a Dub loyal to "Jehovah's Organisation" is lying?
    A: Their lips are moving.

  • TweetieBird

    New Zealand...I heard it is beautiful and laid back there.

    "By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero

  • Kaethra

    I'd stay right here in my beautiful home province of Nova Scotia...I'd buy a big house by the ocean, of course. And, I'd probably purchase a villa in Spain where I'd spend most of the winters. But I wouldn't want to be an American (no offense to the U.S.). I love my Canadian identity!

  • freakshow

    I would move to Memphis TN. And life at Graceland. I would only make sure and remove the plastic from the furniture though. Since the house would be mine I would be able to finally go upstairs (since they don't let you go up there on the tour) and I would find Elvis living up there and we would be best friends and start a band together. Then we'd eat Peanut butter and bananna sandwhiches for breakfast.

  • Stephanus
    But I wouldn't want to be an American (no offense to the U.S.). I love my Canadian identity!

    Of course you wouldn't! That'd be like Hippikon wanting to move from NZ to Australia. Hey, wait a second!

    Q: How do you know a Dub loyal to "Jehovah's Organisation" is lying?
    A: Their lips are moving.

  • Francois

    Someplace where it is snowy, foggy, and rainy a lot. I like the snow and fog and rain and stuff. I write better when it's nasty out and I'm safe and snug and stuff inside by the fire. With my dog's head on my lap and my woman at my fee...um, with my dog at my feet and my woman by my side.


  • expatbrit

    If all my needs were taken care of then I wouldn't live anywhere!

    I'd be a free roving traveller. There's so many great places to see and experience if you have the means, so why limit yourself to just one or two?


  • Princess

    Francoise, have you ever been to the Pacific NW in the fall/winter? You'd love it.

    I personally would take my lottery winnings and tour the world, then pick my favorite spot.


  • Stephanus

    Exactly, Princess, that's the way I'd like to approach the thing myself, a good approach indeed. The preference I expressed above is just based on what I know from books, TV and the internet, not on experience.

    Q: How do you know a Dub loyal to "Jehovah's Organisation" is lying?
    A: Their lips are moving.

  • Billygoat

    I would live in a Winnebago and travel through North America. Then I could have my pick of the mountains AND the beaches.


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