We gotta remember the WTBTS is no longer a single organization, and the Governing Body is merely a figurehead. The corporations controlling the money, the congregations, the publications, and the facilities are all legally separate but interdependent. This structure safeguards against lawsuit as well as any hostile takeover. One corporation cannot survive without the other.
I might be off, but it seems that each corporation is variously hard-line or moderate depending on their own self interest. For instance, a strong message against college education is preached at the conventions. Yet seasoned congregation members continue to groom their children for higher education. The head is cut off from the tail. Headquarters is increasingly out of touch with it's people. Here and there I hear rumors of reform by local elder bodies. I think all of these takeover attempts are doomed for failure as the local congregations have no influence over the power structure.
This is what it looks like to me:
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania (Incorporated 1884)
President Don A. Adams
Holds the copyright. Accepts donations and operates the Kingdom Hall Assistance Fund and the Relief Fund. I figure this is where the money is controlled and where legal sits. They tend towards the middle of the road; don't say anything that can get them sued.
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. (Incorporated 1909)
President Max H. Larson
The publication arm of the WTBTS. They are trending towards hard-line, but get softened by legal. They are reducing costs.
Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses (Incorporated 2000)
President William L. Van De Wall
Manage the congregations. Coordinate all service (i.e., proselytic) activities, including door-to-door proselytism, circuit and district conventions, etc. The local congregations are trending towards a more liberal stance.
Religious Order of Jehovah's Witnesses (Incorporated 2000)
President Patrick J. LaFranca
Administers those in full-time volunteer ministry (Bethel). Hard-line. They are reducing manpower.
Kingdom Support Services, Inc. (Incorporated 2000)
President Harold L. Corkern
Kingdom Support Services, Inc. — will control construction of all new Kingdom Halls and other facilities, and will hold the titles to all Society-owned vehicles. They seem fairly neutral, but interested in conserving funds for a declining membership.
Other legal corporations, their function is still a mystery to me:
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New Jersey, Inc. (Incorporated 1955)
President Charles V. Molohan
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Florida, Inc. (Incorporated 1986)
President Leonard R. Pearson
Valley Farms Corporation (Incorporated 1987)
President Charles J. Rice