Around here, in my neighbourhood, there are many apartment buildings, and I remeber as a JW, how many people didn't want to be bothered by us JW's.
So, I took my camera this morning and went around in a few apartment buildings and took pictueres of all kinds of signs on doors, telling witnesses not to knock at their door, and go away !!!
On this first picture, it's quite polite. It says in french, No Solicitor. I don't know if thats the proper translation, but it means anyone selling stuff or any kinds of pests, go away !!! It also says, we are Catholics and please respect our faith. So we all know who this message is for...
Next door. Same thing but bigger. How can a JW not see it. Years ago, a JW would still knock on a door written "pas de colporteur", but today, the JW's around here anyways, don't knock on these doors.
And finally a last picture I took. This one is very direct !!!
It says Jehovah Witnesses, please abstain yourselves..
I see signs like these in just about every apartment building around here. This one is hand made, but I saw some in the past that looked as if they were sold in stores.