Our neighbors have a cat that is the neighborhood bully. I've found him many times in our (6 foot tall!) fenced yard attacking MY pets. I've sprayed him with our water hose and he runs yowling home. It seems to work. Last summer I chased that stupid thing over our fence with a broom since I couldn't get the water on fast enough. My neighbor was sitting on the back porch watching me. She hollered, "I'd appreciate it if you didn't terrorize my cat." I said, "I'd appreciate it more if you'd keep it off my property. I have every right as a property owner to do WHATEVER necessary to prevent it from trespassing again." I paused and stared at her with a huge smile. Her eyes got wide and she grabbed her cat and stormed inside. I don't really see that cat around much anymore.
I'm fine with any neighborhood animal until they start attacking MY babies on MY property. Then the gloves come off. LOL
Gosh, I can only imagine if this were my child!