A few months ago my Dr. put me on Wellbutrin to help with angziety and depression. She told me some side effects would be strange dreams and ensomnia.
Well... here I am posting about strange dreams at 3:30 AM
What makes these new dreams really stand out is that they are very very long dreams that seem to last forever. I have even had a few span several nights of sleep!
Along with being long they are also very stressful. It seems like the depression and anxieties the Wellbutrin removed have been injected into my dreams! Now my dreams are very long epic dreams in which I am constantly encountering problems that I have to overcome. As an example, tonight and another night I dreamed that I was at work and in a meeting where we prepared for a conference in another city. We were given information that would be needed such as hotel information, required attire (formal) and other details. I went and made hotel arrangements, but found them to be odd in that the beds in the diagrams always appeared to be in the middle of different hotel restaurants. (WTF?). Imagine seeing a bunch of tables everywhere with one area in the middle having a bed instead of tables like everywhere else. All of this actually happened in another dream the other night.
Tonight I dreamed about the trip to the conference and there were all sorts of problems I had to get around to just get there including spy related "scene" where I was being chased and in turn chasing a main "evil spy" in a vehicle I would describe as looking like the high-power vehicle in Batman Begins. I have to admit... it was a blast driving something with that much power! :D I eventually made it to the hotel and it was a very fancy hotel. Extremely posh with huge hallways, art, amazing wood work, chandeliers and servant staff everywhere. Everything was of the highest quality. The problems at the hotel began as soon as I walked in. :S They gave me my rooms key card and the room number (#30) and I walked down the hall watching the numbers as they approached my number... only I went around a corner at the end of the hallway to find an entrance to a kitchen where my room number should have been found. I went back a bit to see if I missed it and ended up going all over the place dragging my luggage and a stack of important papers with me everywhere I went. After a very long time of going in circles trying to find my room and noticing that everyone else was starting to come out of their rooms all dressed up for the conference I finally went back to the front desk. The beotch at the counter looked at my card and told me that I was given a utility key card instead of my room key card. Not only that, this hallway and front desk that I walked to off the street were in fact on the 10th floor and my room was on the 11th floor. (WTF? I hate illogical things in dreams) I got on an elevator and pressed the 11th floor button only to have it go all the way down to the first floor... I had gotten on a "down" elevator instead of an "up" elevator so I ended up having to ride it all the way down and then press the 11 button again to go back up. :S I finally got off the elevator on the right floor and walked down the hallway with my new key card looking for my room. Keep in mind, these were HUGE rooms so the hallways were very long. In fact I saw a member of the cleaning crew going from room to room on a motorized vehicle that looked like a cross between a Hummer and a cleaning cart. (yeah I know... weird) I eventually found my room and was shocked to find that it was the entrance to a hotel restaurant! Sure it was all fancy and posh, but my damn bed was right in the middle of the restaurant with tables and people all around eating! :S I sat down at a table next to a guy I knew in the dream (yes, he was eating with a bunch of other people) and started asking what was going on and regretting that I had chosen a "budget" room that was so inexpensive because it was actually a restaurant. He just looked at me all stupid and said: "Didn't you see all of the tables around the bed in the diagram?" I had to say yes and even now I have no idea why I chose to ignore the tables. Maybe I thought it was a joke or something. All I know for sure is that the choice was made in that previous nights dream. This guy also pointed out that I was woefully underdressed and I looked down to find that I was dressed in your classed cheap JW blue polyester suit. :S I was supposed to be dressed formal with a tuxedo and I did not recall packing one.
I think more happened after that which I cannot recall, but I soon woke up and here I am posting about it. There were also other things that are more fuzzy that I cannot recall much about, such as spending time in an old dusty classroom studying some very complex equations in a huge, thick old book with very small type and trying to make copies of several pages using huge photocopiers... only the teacher in the class kept trying to prevent me from making copies that I needed.
Ugggg.... every time I wake up I am glad the dream is over. It is almost exhausting going through them. Right now I am thinking about not taking the Wellbutrin anymore. I just can't sleep! I'm even taking melatonin and valerian root before bed and I still cannot get a full night sleep except for every few nights. Many mornings I am waking up with a headache and a sore neck.