Qu'ran beats the bible!

by DannyBloem 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • DannyBloem

    The qu'ran is in agreement with relativity! It is just a little ironic though, that it was a Jew who discovered these theories, because a very close examination of our history will teach you that Muslims and Jews have not always been the best buddies......

    Surprisingly, the Qu'ran states that:

    The speed of light in vacuum is always the same at 299792.5 km/s.

    Faster moving objects experience slower time (Time Dilation).

    Time passes slower near bigger mass (General Relativity).

    Pulsars and Black Holes.

    Wormholes (Length Contraction).

    See for more info: http://islam.speed-light.info/relativity_quran.htm
    and http://www.speed-light.info/

    For the speed of light:

    Speed of Light: Surprise!

    Before the 17th century , scientists believed that there was no such thing as the "speed of light". They thought that light could travel any distance in no time at all. Later, several attempts were made to measure that speed. Today, according to the US National Bureau of Standards, the speed of light in vacuum (outside matter and gravitational fields) is = 299792.4574 +/- 0.0011 km/s. According to the British National Physical Laboratory, the speed of light = 299792.4590 +/- 0.0008 km/s (making an average with the US standard = 299792.458 km/s). But 1400 years ago, the speed of light in vacuum was already known to be 299792.5 Km/s. It is stated in the Koran (Quran, the book of Islam) that light travels in one day the same distance that the moon travels in 12000 lunar orbits. And since velocity = distance / time, a simple calculation reveals the speed of light in vacuum to be 299792.5 Km/s:

    -Speed of Light- -Relativity in Islam-

    Moslems (Muslims) believe that angels are low mass creatures, and that God created them originally from light. They move at any speed from zero up to the speed of light. It is the angels who carry out God's orders. Those angels take their orders from a Preserved Tablet somewhere in outer space near Earth, and not form God's Throne. They commute to and from this Preserved Tablet to get their orders from God. In the following verse, the Quran is describing how angels travel when they commute to and from this Tablet. And the speed at which they commute to and from this Tablet turned out to be the known speed of light:

    [Quran 32.5] (Allah) Rules the cosmic affair from the heavens to the Earth. Then this affair travels to Him a distance in one day, at a measure of one thousand years of what you count

    It is the angels who carryout this 'cosmic affair' (see why Arabic wording refers to distance at footnote [1]) . Hence in 1 day, the angels will travel a distance of 1000 years of what they counted. Those people back then followed the lunar calendar and counted 12 months each year. These months are related to the moon and not related to the sun. Since this verse is referring to distance, then Allah is saying that angels travel in one day the same distance that the moon travels in 12000 lunar orbits. This speed turned out to the known speed of light.

    To verify this we can simply convert both distances and associated times to velocities and then compare them:

    Distance = Velocity x Time Þ Velocity = Distance / Time

    Therefore, we can calculate the velocity of those angels and then compare it to the known speed of light.

    This table below shows the lunar month and the terrestrial day in both sidereal system (relative to the stars) and synodic (relative to the sun):


    Synodic (relative to sun)

    Sidereal (relative to the stars)

    Terrestrial day t

    24 hours = 86400 sec

    23 h 56 min 4.0906 sec = 86164.0906 sec

    Lunar Month T

    29.53059 days

    27.321661 days = 655.71986 hours

    NASA uses the sidereal system (relative to stars) for defining the lunar orbit, lunar month (T), the terrestrial day (t) and for calculating the velocity of the moon . Similarly, Moslems use the sidereal system (relative to stars) in their proof.

    So the formula as proposed by Allah is:

    Distance traveled by angels in one day = 12000 x Distance traveled by moon during one orbit

    And since Distance = Velocity x Time:

    Þ C t = 12000 V o T



    Is the velocity of angels, which we intend to calculate and then compare to the known speed of light (no external forces, no acceleration, no deceleration).


    Is the sidereal terrestrial day defined as the time of one rotation of the Earth about its axis (relative to the stars); i.e. 23 hr, 56 min, 4.0906 sec = 86164.0906sec.

    V o

    Is the inertial velocity of the moon (no external forces, no acceleration, no deceleration); which we intend to calculate.


    Is the sidereal lunar month defined as the time of one revolution of the moon around Earth (relative to the stars); i.e. 27.321661 days = 655.71986 hours.

    (see how gravity affects those times and distances, according to Einstein’s theory of general relativity, at footnote [2] )

    Unlike the speed of light, the velocity of the moon is not constant. NASA measured the instantaneous velocity of the moon at various instances throughout its orbit. These measurements show that the velocity of the moon varies considerably (from 3470 km/hr up to 3873 km/hr); which means that the moon accelerates and decelerates continuously. The average lunar velocity is V avg = 3682 km/hr. Most astronomy textbooks calculate this value manually by the following method:

    Velocity = Distance / Time = Length of lunar orbit / Time

    As the Earth goes around the sun, the whole moon’s orbit travels along with Earth. This makes the moon travel in a much longer spiral path; But this is not the length of the lunar orbit relative to Earth. The lunar orbit relative to Earth is an ellipse having an average radius R = 384267 km. So, the length (L) of this elliptical lunar orbit relative to Earth is:

    L = 2 p R

    V = L / T Þ V = 2 p R / T

    Substituting R = 384267 km and T = sidereal lunar month = 655.71986 hr:

    V = (2 x 3.l4l593 x 384267) / 655.71986 = 3682.092 km/hr

    Although this velocity is correct relative to Earth, this velocity is under the influence of the gravitational pull of the sun, stars... (external forces, acceleration); and we need to compare it to the speed of light in vacuum, that is, without any gravitational pulls at all (no external forces, no acceleration). But for any meaningful comparison, they should both be under the same conditions, that is, either both compared with external forces (acceleration) or both without:

    299,792.458 km/s is the speed of light in vacuum, that is, outside matter and gravitational fields. This is not the speed of light inside matter (example: speed of light in glass is 199,861.638 km/s; that is around 100,000 km/s slower than in vacuum). Similarly, this is not the speed of light inside gravitational fields. The velocity of light varies with the intensity of the gravitational field (See proof at footnote [3]). Since we are comparing the velocity of the moon relative to the speed of light, therefore we have to compare them inside the same medium, that is either both compared inside the same gravitational field or both outside. Since 299,792.458 km/s is the speed of light outside gravitational fields, then for any meaningful comparison, we have to calculate the velocity of the moon outside all gravitational fields as well before comparing them:

    The moon orbits Earth with an elliptical path. Earth is not at the center of this ellipse. The velocity of the moon varies continuously. If we screen out the gravitational fields of the sun and distant stars (isolated Earth-moon system), the path of the moon becomes a perfect circle with Earth at the center. The tangential velocity of the moon relative to Earth becomes constant. If we further remove the gravitational field of Earth (vacuum), the moon will travel in a straight path to distant stars. This is the velocity of the moon relative to Earth in vacuum.

    The Earth-moon system covers an angle ø around the sun each cycle (sidereal lunar month). If we remove the gravitational fields of the sun and distant stars (isolate the system) the lunar orbit can no longer change direction but rather floats in a straight path to distant stars. But due to the gravitational field of the sun, the lunar obit is changing direction every cycle by this angle ø with respect to distant stars.

    This change in direction is actually acceleration caused by the gravitational field of the sun. This acceleration is also causing the lunar orbit to be elliptical instead of a perfectly circular one.

    "Velocity" has a certain value and a certain direction (vector), while "mass", for example, has only a certain value (scalar). In the isolated earth-moon system, the moon's mean velocity returns to the original direction with respect to stars each cycle around Earth. But in the compounded system, the moon's mean velocity changes direction by angle ø with respect to stars from the original direction. This is because the moon's mean velocity (V) is the vectorial sum of velocity in the isolated Earth-moon system (V') plus the velocity acquired form the gravitational fields of the sun and distant stars: The lunar velocity relative to Earth is (V). But due to the acceleration by the sun and distant stars, it's direction is changing every cycle by angle Ø; hence the lunar velocity in the isolated Earth-moon system guided by stars is:V' = V Cosine Ø


    So finally we can calculate the speed of angels in vacuum and compare it to the known speed of light in vacuum 299792.458 km/s :

    C t = 12000 V o T

    And V o = V cosø

    C t = 12000 V cos ø T

    C = (12000 V cos ø T) / t

    Substituting the NASA sidereal values of the periods T and t (from above table); ø is 26.9295 degrees and could be manually calculated at this footnote [4]; cos ø = 0.8915645, we arrive at the speed of angels as claimed in the Koran:

    C = (12000 x 3682.092 x 0.8915645 x 655.71986) / 86164.0906

    C = 299792.5 km/s

    Exactly the known Speed of Light!!!

    Moslems ask how could an illiterate man who lived 1400 years ago have figured out the velocity of the moon relative to the speed of light?

    [Quran 10.5] It is He (Allah) who made the sun to shine and the moon to light, and destined it in stages; that you may learn to count the years and the mathematics. Allah only created this in truth. He details His Signs for those who are knowledgeable (scientists

    See how angels can reach anywhere in the universe before you finish reading this sentence: Wormholes (Below)

    (see the problem of Christians with the speed of light at footnote [5])

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    what a crock of manure....

    they go through great lengths to make the numbers fit... changing the figures whenever it suits them


    they use 120000 cycles of the moon for 1000 years, which is false as anyone who knows about lunar calenders knows that you add 4 extra cycles every 19 years which makes 14526 not 12000.

    but then later they use 365 days when the numbers suit them...and we all know its 365.24

    so they fudge anything they like to make it fit... and then ask how could an illiterate 1400 years ago know X Y or Z....

    there is still no evidence he did.

  • Elsewhere

    That's odd... all of the sudden I smell bull sht.

  • Terry

    It is called PIOUS FRAUD. And everything in Scripture (Bible or otherwise) is adjusted throughout history each time a refutation pops up. The ongoing editing process keeps the text as close to manageable as humans can do. However, error is as error does. Reality intrudes and a new fraud is necessary.

    The Koran, I will say this, is better preserved as a translation than the Bible ever dreamed of being. One thing you can always count on for scripture as a rule, and it is this; never will you find anything corresponding to EVERYDAY REALITY of a testable or provable nature. That is why we can immediately see this "speed of light" canard to be suspect at the outset.


  • JosephMalik

    This was written first: 2Pe 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

    Then this was written later: [Quran 32.5] (Allah) Rules the cosmic affair from the heavens to the Earth. Then this affair travels to Him a distance in one day, at a measure of one thousand years of what you count

    The Quaran is full of distortions taken from OT and NT texts. It is like their Book of Mormon an earlier attempt at such corruption in fact and does much the same for Muslems that today’s Book of Mormon does for Latter day Saints in our time.


  • Carmel

    Joseph, How did Muhummed who was illiterate distort the bible when he never read it? Wonder if you could without any education produce any document distorted or otherwise comparable to the Koran...


  • JosephMalik

    How did Muhummed who was illiterate distort the bible when he never read it? Wonder if you could without any education produce any document distorted or otherwise comparable to the Koran...


    That is the same argument Mormons make for Joseph Smith so we have another simile to consider.

    Did Paul write his letters personally? No! He used scribes but his writings are still credited to him. Did Muhummed have to read such letters or documents about Jesus or Paul to write about them? No! They could have simply been passed by word of mouth. How do you know? Were you there?

    If Muhummed could write then he was educated enough to produce the Koran just as Joseph Smith was capable enough to produce the Book of Mormon. If not he could have used a scribe. And the influence of such scribes would be reflected in the document. Do you have any original documents written by him? How do you know that they were not altered when copied? Can you prove that he heard about Jesus and wrote about Him as a result of inspiration or could this be by means of a disciple living at the time or even documents available to him? How did he know? How do you know? There is nothing to such arguments but if you have any real proof to offer then let us see it. The fact that many fall for such lies and deception is no proof of inspiration. 1Pe 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:


  • hibiscusfire

    Hi Danny:

    My input.....

    The Bible is vastly superior to the Koran. The Koran is a book of myths, fables and fairy tales.

    Muhammad Wrote:

    "This is nothing but a lie which he has forged, and other have helped him do it...fairy tales of the ancients, which he has caused to be written; and they are dictated before him morning and evening." (Qur’an 25:4-5, Arberry translation)


  • katiekitten
    The Bible is vastly superior to the Koran. The Koran is a book of myths, fables and fairy tales.


  • hamsterbait

    The modern protestant bible contains very few if any fables simply because the protestant reformation discarded many books which had been accepted in the canon for over 1000 years. (The only one I can think of right now is also reproduced in Buddhist literature - The two prostitutes arguing over a baby. You've got it - he ordered it cut in two)

    The Council of Trent in the 16th century examined these other books and confirmed that they are divinely inspired. This is why you will find the Apocrypha in Msgr Knox's and other Catholic translations.

    Of course thinking christians everywhere will wonder "Why would God's only true church allow such fairy stories to be included in his word?" Do you not agree, as an honesthearted one, that this means millions of catholics are worshipping God in vain?

    As per the example from the Quran, just pick up any JW book or fundy tract to find out how to make the bible mean anything your sect wants it to.

    HB (of the I prefer to thumb Balzac rather than read class)

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