There is a "sister" and her daughter, that come to visit different ones at my place of business. They usually come about 3 times a month, to read a scripture or a paragraph from a magazine, to a couple of people. They then say hello to me, and leave after making their WT and AWAKE placements. This time, I was neck deep in my work, it was crazy, like all hell had broke lose. The daughter comes right over, makes small talk, then proceeds to go into her sermon about the magazines she was trying to place. She asked me if I'd seen the latest mags, (I hadn't, but told her my mom brings them to me, because she has been again) She finished her speach, then said "Oh, well, ok then ....have a good day". It was so strange, she's never tried to place the literature with me. I really felt kind of angry. I've known her for many years, and I felt like she was treating me like a fresh piece of territory. I did not want her to be "counting the time" on me....I've never reacted like this before, but it made me angry, that she thought she could "steal" time from my employer to preach to me....Has this ever happened to any of you?